Evening Asswipe.
Another 8 hours of bigoting for you then?
Are we at the precipice yet?
Feels like we are in an abyssal death plunge, but that might just be me.
Subtle shift to white power shilling from yer classic muhjoo shilling lately.
Insidious little fuckers aren't they.
Keep working your narrative shill-boi. Somebody is paying good money for it.
I'll just keep shining my spotlight and calling your bullshit.
Sorry, not Leaf, in fact I'm pretty certain Leaf is a persona run by a bunch of shills like (You)
Look, another (You), another Nickel!
See, so you tee up this leaf character and demonize it by being an obnoxious cunt (you do that so well, you must practice).
Then as soon as someone blows up yer bullshit narrative you call them leaf and hey presto - it doesn't work.
Do you feel like an idiot yet?
Coz you look like a fucking idiot.
Too many 0 deltas.
Too many Q acknowledgements from Q+ (Tippy Top, AF1 "0" Callsign, 5:5 hand signals)
Too many insider-only photos
Say what you like, the accumulated body of evidence is beyond question.
AF1 photo, reflection of iPhone case
Chauvin, French for bigot. Strangely appropriate.
You really do need to stop yourself don't you, there are sooooooooo many!
Aww, did I bust yer bullshit narrative AGAIN!
You are so easy.
Hey you can always try a bit harder next bread. 'K.
Every dog…..
He must be thrilled to see this place fall apart with no direction.