This vid shows anesthesiologist Dr. Ted Noel demonstrating while vaping how masks do ZERO to protect anyone from Covid-19.
BAAM! Masks Don’t Work – Dr Ted Noel Proves It – Just Believe Your Eyes and Not Liberals
I don’t really have to say anything. This is Game, Set and Match…/masks-dont-work-dr-ted-noel-proves…/
Medical Doctor Warns that “Bacterial Pneumonias Are on the Rise” from Mask Wearing
"An exaggerated pandemic as an excuse to violate our freedom, health, privacy, livelihood, and humanity." There is NO scientific proof or evidence that masks do anything to stop the spread of covid 19, none whatsoever"
“In February and March we were told not to wear masks. What changed? The science didn’t change. The politics did. This is about compliance.
“New research is showing that cloth masks may be increasing the aerosolization of the SARS-COV-2 virus into the environment causing an increased transmission of the disease…that mask-wearing has “well-known risks that have been well-studied and they’re not being discussed in the risk analysis. And are actually harmful to healthy people."
“I’m seeing patients that have facial rashes, fungal infections, bacterial infections. Reports coming from my colleagues, all over the world, are suggesting that the bacterial pneumonias are on the rise.
Masks may also be spreading covid 19. Untrained members of the public are wearing medical masks, repeatedly… in a non-sterile fashion… They’re becoming contaminated. They’re pulling them off of their car seat, off the rear-view mirror, out of their pocket, from their countertop, and they’re reapplying a mask that should be worn fresh and sterile every single time, and littering public places with contaminated masks.”
-Even the Dems Dr. Fauci, said face masks are largely security theater and of no use to the healthy.
Significant problems with wearing such a mask. This can vary from headaches, to increased airway resistance, carbon dioxide accumulation, to hypoxia, all the way to serious life-threatening complications, with actual studies to back it up. A reduction in blood oxygenation (hypoxia) or an elevation in blood C02 (hypercapnia). It is known that the N95 mask, if worn for hours, can reduce blood oxygenation as much as 20%, which can lead to a loss of consciousness, as happened to the hapless fellow driving around alone in his car wearing an N95 mask, causing him to pass out, and to crash his car and sustain injuries.
There are have several cases of elderly individuals or any person with poor lung function passing out, hitting their head. This, of course, can lead to death.
-Face masks impair oxygen intake dramatically, potentially leading to serious problems.
The importance of these findings is that a drop in oxygen levels (hypoxia) is associated with an impairment in immunity. Studies have shown that hypoxia can inhibit the type of main immune cells used to fight viral infections called the CD4+ T-lymphocyte.
This occurs because the hypoxia increases the level of a compound called hypoxia inducible factor-1 (HIF-1), which inhibits T-lymphocytes and stimulates a powerful immune inhibitor cell called the Tregs. . This sets the stage for contracting any infection, including COVID-19 and making the consequences of that infection much graver. In essence, your mask may very well put you at an increased risk of infections and if so, having a much worse outcome.
-Cancer, heart attacks, and strokes? Masks can make all of those conditions worse.
People with cancer, especially if the cancer has spread, will be at a further risk from prolonged hypoxia as the cancer grows best in a microenvironment that is low in oxygen. Low oxygen also promotes inflammation which can promote the growth, invasion and spread of cancers.
Repeated episodes of hypoxia has been proposed as a significant factor in atherosclerosis and hence increases all cardiovascular (heart attacks) and cerebrovascular (strokes) diseases.
Is Anthony Fauci the only qualified person to talk about this virus? If he is, he agreed that only sick people should wear them and he said so on 60 Minutes.