Nothing on the scoreboard?
How many anons are there now?
How many came over from the deplatforming of 8chan?
How many from CBTS?
How many have seen the saved side-by-sides exposing media?
How many issues have been pushed to the forefront of the "nightly news" that MSM wanted to bury? (Hint: more than ten and counting)
How many memes torpedoed the credibility of those that bald-faced lied to the World? (hint: over 100)
"Q didn't … (fill in shill bitch blank here) because shill injected datefagging went the nowhere intended. Got something for a hit piece, but created curiousity.
New eyes to come by here and look. New eyes to see the same links provided in the breads to allow access to old drops, old notables.
You are looking at the wrong scoreboard. It's not "Q" anything. IT IS ANONS.
ANONS have scored and continue to score. Why else would you still be here trying to demoralize? Why else would you still try to discourage new bakers?
ANONS find the holes in your narratives, and open them up for the World to see as ANONS drive a bus through the opening s.
We see you
We know why you are here