Anonymous ID: 341083 May 7, 2018, 11:09 p.m. No.1335027   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I think RR and RM are dirty, but Trump needed them to run a con on the left and the media. I believe they’re a mere distraction to take the eyes off the real investigation of the IG and Huber. I’ve started to believe that RM isn’t really investigating anything, and that includes the black hats. When Huber/Sessions are ready to begin making notable arrests, then RM’s investigations very publically close up shop as being corrupt, biased, and conflicted of interest. The public folly of RMs Russian bot case was to focus the left’s eyes back on Mueller being “their guy” after the leak that POTUS wasn’t under investigation, and where I got the inkling that’s how his SC will end. When that end happens, RM & RR walk away with whatever plea deal they were given to play along.

End result is you’ve killed two birds with one stone. You’ve very publically exposed a leftist witch hunt, gaining more support for draining the swamp in the process, and you’ve paved the way [set the stage] for white hat arrests of said swamp with the support of a majority of the people.

Timing being critical to the elections and Americans attention spans being what they are, we’re probably looking what, August?

Would that then make Stormy a contingency plan/fail safe in case the left wouldn’t chase/re-focus on the RM investigation - they’re chasing their tails after her instead?