>Why is 50 missing?
>What!? No!
>Thats the Luther Rose, number 51.
>Its number 50 too.
>Now its bugging me! I must know what 50 is meant to be!
5 is the pentagram, the energy, the transformation. o is infinity. endlessness.
50 = infinite transformation, infinite evolution. it is the number of the magician.
it is the number of the magician < = the invisible hand ?
Properties of the number 50
Symbolize the "total" man.
Represent the Universe being expressed by the individual lives, according to R. Allendy: "it is a favorable number marking a grace, a kindness, a regeneration".
According to Eckartshausen, it is the number of "the spiritual ascension to the intuition, the number of the illumination".
Considered as "the holiest and the most natural of numbers, because it equals to the sum of the squares numbers 9+16+25 constructed on the sacred triangle of Pythagoras (3, 4 and 5) and also to the product of 5 x 10 of the pentad and the decade, numbers of the generating Life and the World-Harmony, the Microcosm and the Macrocosm".
The number 50 corresponds to the Hebraic letter "nun", form reminding a cup pouring its content. It is also associated to the fourteenth Arcane of the Tarot: the solar Angel, interpreted in general as the sign of the change, the mutations and the metamorphoses.
Number of the joy and the feast, according to the Bible.
The feast of the Pentecost was celebrated by the Jews 50 days after the Passover.
Fifty of the brotherhood of prophets assisted with Elisha to the removal of Elijah on a chariot of fire. (2 K 2,7)
Fifty men searched Elijah during three days without finding him. (2 K 2,17)
Moses received the commandments fifty days after the exit of Egypt.
After the age of fifty, the Levites is no longer bound to the ministry. (Nb 8,25)
Width of Noah's Ark in cubit. (Gn 6,15)
It is the number of chapters of the book of the Genesis of the Old Testament.
>50 has the squiggly lines.
Which "Order of The CROSS"{es} ???