thanks for the bake
its funny
the flat earth people had a thing early on, they were told we were all trailer park hicks and wouldnt understand math, and so posted an equation about rocket thrust supposedly using atmospheric pressure as a variable, thereby proving that rockets dont reach space because space doesnt exist, or something
i member disproving that, with the actual math
and lo and behold, that isnt one of their arguments these days
weird right? almost like, i dunno, its a psyop?
now theyre gone
theyre so fucking stupid holy shit
its pathetic we let these people control our entire country but god damn it feels good to verify that they are in fact retarded
all these people in dc are faggot pedophiles
i literally dont care
fuck gaetz, fuck him in his faggot mouth with a grenade
youre still a soldier in your mind
though nothings on the line
your wish is my command