Anonymous ID: 0e6934 April 2, 2021, 12:27 a.m. No.13345197   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


(inb4 stop taking the blackpill)

Crazy thing is it will get worse before it gets better. IF it even gets better.. I sincerely think Q has drastically overestimated humanity and their ability to critically think/analyze the world around them so a very select few are going to be left to do battle against globalist faggots with inifinity wealth. Sad state of affairs.

Anonymous ID: 0e6934 April 2, 2021, 12:45 a.m. No.13345237   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Been here all day dood. Just throwing my brain thoughts out there. Do you not understand what

>(inb4 stop taking the blackpill)



Look I hope and pray to God what you're saying is true. It's just hard to remember (or easy to forget) that we're watching a movie

Balancing being realistic and trusting the plan is a hard thing to do for some of us who've been here for so fucking long.

Anonymous ID: 0e6934 April 2, 2021, 1:18 a.m. No.13345327   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


It's excersizes. Ukraine gov is fear porning the world.


RP from /pol

I'll give a quick rundown on how the whole Russia-Ukraine rumors started, if you want sources ask and I'll show what I have:


>Few days ago anonymous people filmed mostly trains and convoys carrying tanks and armored APC's and fuel trucks that were claiming to be going towards Ukraine border. Even if this was true, there was no verifying anything, and also bunches of random videos don't tell you when these were filmed, or where or if these images showed a lot or a little amount of vehicles for a military operation

>Also take note there is no evidence of missile systems or aircraft or naval units off the coast of Ukraine which would be needed for any actual invasion

>These images spread on social media, now ukraine takes them and uses them of "evidence" of Russia possibly preparing for an invasion or at least a massive intimidation

>US military could only confirm on their own 4000 russian units in crimea, which would be normal size for drills and exercises

>ukraine complains to USA, and as it turns out US military is sure these are exercises and even ukraine military claims they are exercises

>but ukraine government decides in their news to publicly bitch about this possible invasion force, so the US and NATO play along and give general statements about their concerns and saying russia might be doing provoking actions

>US joint chief calls up russian military and has talks with them wanting to get clarification

>Russia admits they are having exercises but that they pose no threat


Basically it seems we have the ukraine government taking these exercises and anonymous videos and trying to play the victim card by implying this could be used as an invasion force, most likely as their normal anti-russian propaganda


Also there were claims the ceasefire expired, but the OSCE SMM was renewed yesterday and fire violations are reported to them so that might be irrelevant

Anonymous ID: 0e6934 April 2, 2021, 1:48 a.m. No.13345386   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Ignorance is bliss. Why do you think normies can't even make eye contact with you when you start talking about these heavy topics? It's because they don't want to hear it, straight up. Part of me thinks that deep down in their subconscious they know you're telling the truth but they would rather not invest the time or emotional energy into looking at the bigger picture for fear of obstructing their idea of a good life. There is a bubble that they live in that cannot be popped unless something forces it to be popped and THAT is what I think this operation is all about. Many of us were aware of the game we were living in for our whole lives prior to this NWO event. We knew about the Fed and money being fake. we knew about operation mockingbird and MKultra and 9/11 and everything else under the "conspiracy" umbrella. Why? I think it's because there are certain pockets of humans that know something is up, and want to find the truth no matter how fucked up it may be. I'll be honest if I could be like my brother who is totally unaware of all of this shit and is living with his wife and dog working from home and wearing a mask as he goes through the drive through for a cup of coffee I would. He's got a so-called good life with a decent job and a new family while I sit in my parents basement in my early 20's and spend everyday, all day inside on the computer sucking on the teet of the government I'd switch places in a heartbeat. When I do try and go out I look at all the normies masked up and fucking droned by MSM bullshit and I cannot believe how SO MANY people live in this bubbleโ€ฆOh well rant over.