ID: 1fbdd8 April 1, 2021, 11:53 p.m. No.13345122   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>pixel knot? never heard of it.

Anons dug on it back in the day, Q made references to all kinds of messages being passed without us knowing. Don't remember which drop.


I don't think anyone got anywhere with it. Then anons were trying to use NSA Ghidra tools. Don't know if anyone found anything with that either.

>Have a secret that you want to share? Why not hide it in a picture? With PixelKnot, only your friends with the secret password can unlock your special message. Everyone else just sees a pretty picture. It’s a fun and easy way to share hidden messages without anyone knowing. Take those pixels, twist them in a knot, and see for yourself!