>Is space real?
This one is good too.
The successor of the original Willy Wonka movie.
"Curtis, everyone has their preordained position, and everyone is in their placeexcept you."
>I hate Zombie movies.
Why don't you like documentaries?
Yes, the Mason 666 planet reality is way more beLIEvable.
they are extincting themselves, it's actually in a way hillaryious.
>u are stupiud
Nice arguments you got there.
All the voice clips of mine were literally telling from top level NASA "scientists".
It's way more hilarious to listen to these lying Masons. One's for sure what you are being told at "school" is wrong and a lie.
But continue wearing your mask.
>Do you believe the bible?
Shouldn't you know?
You were the one calling me stupid, and now you ask me silly questions.
You sound pretty much retarded, anon.
>other than your ridiculous belief that the world is flat?
See, you make shit up and claim it's a fact.
I'm sorry that I have to tell you, but you are factually retarded.
>I'm asking you questions to find out.
No, you don't. Remember you called me stupid, and that was your "argument" and now you make shit up.
It seems you are schizo,
Take meds.
>I haven't made up anything.
Why are you lying?
You are a liar and someone who has no arguments, only insults.
You are not an anon.
Let me repeat the bullshit you posted before:
"Why should I know what your other beliefs areother than your ridiculous belief that the world is flat?"
That's making SHIT UP.
Show me the post where I said something in that regard. You are a retard.
You are aLIARbecause you claim things that you MADE UP, you fucking LIAR.
>Why did you reply the way you did to me
Are you legit retarded?
You haven't even figured this thing here out?
Go back to shill school.
Another lie, I DID NOT reply to your retarded "complete bullshit" post that had no arguments,you fucking LIAR.
That's not your "complete bullshit" post, this here 13348677, but instead your "Fuck off, it's complete bullshit and you know it", you fucking retard.
You are not an anon, you are inaccurate AS FUCK.
And I explicitly wrote: "Yes, the Mason 666 planet reality is way more beLIEvable", because even that other theory is more beLIEvable than the NASA version, which is a factual claim and does not say that I would beLIEve in anything else, you fucking retard liar.
>"complete bullshit"
>"this is totally complete bullshit"
>"totally bullshit"
Wow, so much arguments, so intelligent.
>I know reality, but I have no arguments, I just say that something is complete bullshit
top kek
If you are as inaccurate as you are with everything else, I doubt you know reality.