Anonymous ID: 999076 May 8, 2018, 12:19 a.m. No.1335315   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5329


Oh, to be sure, they are both dirty. Which is why a deep cleaning has been scheduled. The question is whether they are the dirt or simply have dirt on them.


The context of the cleaning is very different depending on whether a person is dirty or dirt. Therefor, the dirt could have appointed the dirty with the expectation of it being a fellow. Or the dirty could have appointed the dirt to expose it to the wash.


Ultimately, Mueller's and Rosenstein's actions are both going to be used by the administration to clean/drain the swamp. Whether or not Mueller and Rosenstein will come away, having defecated their past and being freed from the swamp… That is probably almost impossible to know without very intimate knowledge of what is on the heart (or lack thereof) of these men.

Anonymous ID: 999076 May 8, 2018, 1:41 a.m. No.1335568   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The single shooter theory was what the FBI advanced in the aftermath of the JFK assassination. Remember the JFK drops last year or so where we saw how the FBI officials had already come to the conclusion that Oswald was the shooter?


Even those who were not corrupt were effectively cajoled into the argument that it was more important to present a unified front and to quell public concern than it was to report the truth.


The irony behind this being Kennedy's the President and The Press speech. They would all abandon him.