Think about it this way: It doesn't look good from where you sit because the left/cabal/partisans/msm have married themselves to this narrative that Mueller is going to take down Trump. Thus, Mueller's been propped up by the compliant press for months as a savior. As unimpeachable. A paragon of truth and virtue…
If (when) Mueller publicly announces that he's found no collusion or crimes and clears Trump - there is nowhere for the msm/partisans/cabal/et al to turn. They're screwed.
It's a brilliant plan as it turns the enemy's biggest (public) weapon back against themselves.
There's a lot of evidence to support this in OS, it's just not being covered because BOTH sides are trying to prop Mueller up. White hats and Black hats are working together on this one - the black hats don't realize this of course, which is why it's going to be such a delicious reveal.