Anonymous ID: bcfd3b April 2, 2021, 5:50 p.m. No.13349696   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9713 >>9778 >>9783 >>9841 >>0045 >>0102 >>0210 >>0219 >>0299 >>0352 >>0411

Matt Gaetz Played 'Harry Potter' Inspired Sex Competition Game With Florida Lawmakers, Report Claims


The Florida representative has been embroiled in a sex scandal, including allegations of sex trafficking of a then-17-year-old girl, alleged campaign finance violations, payments to sex workers, allegations of pimping, a fake ID scheme, and exchanging nude images of sexual conquests with fellow lawmakers on the House floor.


Republican congressman Matt Gaetz allegedly took part in a sex competition while serving as a state legislator, and the game included sleeping with married colleagues or spending the night at a sorority house to earn some "extra points," Business Insider reported on Friday, citing an undisclosed Republican female insider.


According to the GOP source, anybody who had sex with a particular conservative woman "won the whole game regardless of points." The woman was called the "snitch," a reference to the Quidditch game from the "Harry Potter" series.


"I heard specific references of Gaetz being involved and scoring points," the GOP source reportedly said, declining however to name the aforementioned woman in order "to protect her privacy."


These accusations regarding Gaetz's involvement in the sex competition draw on previous ones. Thus, in a 2020 tweet, Chris Latvala, a Republican state representative who served alongside Gaetz in the Florida House, accused Gaetz of creating a game in which "members of the FL House got 'points' for sleeping with aides, interns, lobbyists, and married legislators."


Latvala referenced at the time another even older tweet by Politico's reporter Marc Caputo, who posted in 2013 the rules of the alleged game, however, without hinting at Gaetz.


According to the report, the presence of the "game" among male lawmakers was the "worst kept secret in Tallahassee." Lawmakers who took part reportedly openly bragged about it, even among their female colleagues, while some male lawmakers who didn't take part jokingly regretted their decision.


The source claimed that about two dozen male lawmakers engaged in the sex rivalry during Gaetz's time in Florida's House, along with a few lobbyists.


According to several recent media reports, citing sources inside the US House, 38-year-old Gaetz has a reputation for dating young women, and he reportedly showed other lawmakers photographs and videos of nude women he claimed to have been with.


Over the course of the ever-growing scandal, Gaetz has denied all the accusations, alleging that he and his family are the victims of a criminal extortion scheme. Gaetz has also denied any knowledge of the so-called Tallahassee sex competition.


The representative has also denied having any plans to resign amid the scandals. However, media have previously reported that Goetz allegedly is not going to run for re-election and is considering a career as a conservative TV pundit.

Anonymous ID: bcfd3b April 2, 2021, 5:53 p.m. No.13349710   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9809 >>9813 >>9830 >>9884 >>0045 >>0219 >>0411

LeBron James, Liberal Elites Celebrate After MLB Takes All-Star Game from Georgia


On Friday, Major League Baseball decided to take its All-Star Game away from Atlanta’s Truist Park in response to the state’s new voter integrity law.


Liberal supporters exploded with delight after the MLB announcement.

Anonymous ID: bcfd3b April 2, 2021, 6:01 p.m. No.13349756   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9759 >>9765 >>0298

The U.S. Capitol Was Attacked by a Nation of Islam Follow and “GOP Leader” Kevin McCarthy Hasn’t Said a Word About It. It’s Time for Him to Resign.


Kevin McCarthy styles himself as the “GOP Leader,” but never shows any leadership. On the back of an attack on the U.S. Capitol by a Nation of Islam follower, McCarthy chose to send prayers instead of taking the fight to the radical left who encouraged this attack. If it was a right-wing attacker, he’d have been condemning it by now.


It’s time for McCarthy – a coward – to resign.


McCarthy is routinely comfortable attacking his own side. Whether it’s unproven or unsubstantiated attacked on Marjorie Taylor-Greene or Matt Gaetz, Kevin McCarthy is there for it.


But when it’s an attack by an extremist and foreign ideology, McCarthy simply offers his prayers, as he did when a Nation of Islam-affiliated terrorist attacked America’s Capitol on April 2nd.


A reminder: McCarthy back-channeled anti-Trump rhetoric to the press, via his Republican in Name Only (RINO) colleagues, after January 6th.


Of course, it turns out Trump had nothing to do with January 6th, and the timeline of events proves it. But that didn’t stop McCarthy laying blame at Trump’s door immediately, and shamefully for Trump, the former President hosted McCarthy at Mar-a-Lago just a few weeks later.


But on the back of a radical left-inspired Nation of Islam attack on the U.S. Capitol, McCarthy had basically nothing to say.


Why is McCarthy simply eulogizing a policeman, instead of attributing blame for the attack?


What would Pelosi have done?


Blame the right, of course, and embarked upon a media and political strategy that would put Republicans in a corner. What’s McCarthy doing? Sunning himself at a beach house in California, no doubt.


The truth is McCarthy has been found wanting on a number of issues: on Hunter Biden’s hard drive proving his family’s links to foreign governments, on the Chinese Communist Party’s influence in U.S. affairs, on the oppression of Republican voters since January 6th, and of course on a number of policy problems the left is lumping the country with including a $10 trillion new “green” investment plan that would impoverish future generations.


The self-styled “GOP Leader” is actually a Democrat accomplice, and it’s time for him to resign.


If he doesn’t, someone within the GOP needs to publicly oppose him. And if that doesn’t happen, the wider GOP voter base needs to recognize this party no longer represents them and therefore act accordingly.


Don’t turn out. Don’t vote. Don’t donate. Don’t bother.

Anonymous ID: bcfd3b April 2, 2021, 6:04 p.m. No.13349767   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9770 >>0045 >>0216 >>0219 >>0411

Seven blood clot deaths in the UK after AstraZeneca vaccine


Seven people have died from blood clots after receiving the AstraZeneca COVID-19 jab in the UK, as Aussie health officials vow they’re taking the risk “very seriously”.


Seven people in the UK have died from unusual blood clots after receiving the AstraZeneca COVID-19 jab, as Australian health officials vow they’re taking the “potential risk very seriously”.


The Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency confirmed to the BBC that out of the 18 million people vaccinated across the UK up to March 24, 30 had presented with the blood clots. Out of those, data showed 22 cases of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST), a type of blood clot in the brain.


It remains unclear whether the condition is a side effect of the vaccine or just a coincidence, with investigations underway to determine if the AstraZeneca vaccine is causing the rare syndrome.


News of the deaths come after the first case of the condition was identified in Australia, in a 44-year-old Melbourne man who received the jab on March 22. Yesterday, he presented to the Victorian capital’s Box Hill Hospital with a fever and abdominal pain, and was found to have abdominal clots with a very low platelet count.


Both the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee and TGA vaccine safety investigation group will hold emergency meetings on Saturday to look into the case and consider responses.


This morning, Queensland’s chief health officer, Jeanette Young, insisted the vaccine is perfectly safe for the vast majority of people, but warned people to be aware of the symptoms of rare but serious side effects like blood clots.


“It is very, very unlikely, but if you do (become unwell four to 20 days after receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine), then you should seek urgent advice. That’s important,” Dr Young advised, adding that at this point in time, “people shouldn’t be concerned”.


“We know that all vaccines have some very, very rare side effects that can be serious, and we know if we are giving the same vaccine to large numbers of people across the whole world, we would expect to see those rare side effects because we’re giving the vaccine to millions and millions and eventually billions of people.


“People just need to be aware of any symptoms and just come forward if they do have them.”


Surely that is a dude?

Anonymous ID: bcfd3b April 2, 2021, 6:19 p.m. No.13349845   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0040 >>0045 >>0219 >>0411

13 States Sue Biden Admin, Seeks Ability to Cut Taxes via CCP Virus Relief Funds


Thirteen states launched legal action against the Biden administration over a provision in the CCP virus relief package that prohibits states from using the funds to pay for tax breaks.


The Democrats’ $1.9 trillion relief package to combat the impacts of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (pdf), carries a provision that says states cannot use relief funds to offset decreased tax revenue that is due to any tax cuts—including by cutting rates, rebates, deductions, credits, or otherwise—and any tax delays.


The 13-state bipartisan coalition filed the federal lawsuit late Wednesday in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Alabama. They argued that the provision is unconstitutional.


The lawsuit (pdf) says the provision in the relief package is “one of the most egregious power grabs by the federal government in the nation’s history.” It argues that the provision, by stipulating how states use federal funds with regard to tax cuts, is akin to forcing states to relinquish control of their taxing authority, which is not allowed under the Tenth Amendment. The lawsuit also accuses the federal government of violating the conditional spending doctrine and the anti-commandeering doctrine.


Plaintiffs in the lawsuit are the states of West Virginia, Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Florida, Iowa, Kansas, Montana, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, and Utah. The defendants in the lawsuit are Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and Treasury Department Inspector General Richard Delmar.


West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey, a Republican, leads the 13-state coalition.


“Never before has the federal government attempted such a complete takeover of state finances,” Morrisey said in a statement. “We cannot stand for such overreach. The Constitution envisions co-sovereign states, not a federal government that forces state legislatures to forfeit one of their core constitutional functions in exchange for a large check equal to approximately 25 percent of their annual respective general budgets.”

Anonymous ID: bcfd3b April 2, 2021, 6:21 p.m. No.13349856   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9860 >>9881 >>9895 >>0040 >>0045 >>0053 >>0219 >>0411

US Set to Give $650 Billion in Aid to IMF; China Should Not Receive Any of It: Expert


The Treasury Department is about to gift up to $650 billion to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as part of so-called “currency aid” to countries hit hardest by the pandemic. But the United States has been giving away U.S. dollars to the IMF for decades. In the past, the Chinese Communist Party has gotten a lot of the money—not exactly a charity case.


Joseph Trevisani, Senior Analyst at FX Street, says he’s been hearing about these IMF Special Drawing Rights since graduate school. NTD asked him if China could get some of this $650 billion.

Anonymous ID: bcfd3b April 2, 2021, 6:24 p.m. No.13349866   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9869 >>9870 >>9918 >>9953

Facebook suspends accounts of Capitol attacker identifying him as a Nation of Islam follower and claiming 'mind control'


The man posted that he was being persecuted by the CIA and the FBI


Social media behemoth Facebook admitted that they suspended both the Facebook account and the Instagram account of the man identified by police as the suspect killed in the U.S. Capitol attack on Friday.


Police identified the attacker as Noah Green, a man from Indiana who had recently lost his job. Green identified himself as a follower of Louis Farrakhan and an adherent of the Nation of Islam.


Online sleuths began searching the man's social media after he was identified and posting screenshots from his posts on Twitter.


About an hour after he was identified, Facebook suspended both accounts.


In a statement to CNN News, a spokesperson for the company said that it did so in accordance to their policy on dangerous persons.


"After this horrific event, our thoughts are with the Capitol Police and their loved ones," the spokesman said.


"We have designated the incident under our Dangerous Individuals and Organizations policy, which means we have removed the suspect's accounts from Facebook and Instagram, and are removing any content that praises, supports, or represents the attack or the suspect," the company added. "We are in contact with law enforcement as they conduct their investigation."


Among those posts documented by CNN were ones from Green saying that he had suffered "mind control" operations.


"The U.S. Government is the #1 enemy of Black people!" read a title from one of his Instagram posts. In another he said that he suffered from afflictions from the CIA and the FBI.


"I have suffered multiple home break ins, food poisonings, assaults, unauthorized operations in the hospital, mind control," he wrote in a comment.


Another post from Green identified Farrakhan as Jesus Christ.


"My faith is one of the only things that has been able to carry me through these times and my faith is centered on the belief of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan as Jesus, the Messiah, the final divine reminder in our midst," he wrote. "I consider him my spiritual father. Without his guidance, his word, and his teachings that I've picked up on along the way, I would've been unable to continue."


Green was pronounced dead at a hospital after lunging at police with a knife and getting shot down.

Anonymous ID: bcfd3b April 2, 2021, 6:30 p.m. No.13349886   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9903 >>0045 >>0219 >>0403 >>0411 >>0412

Fauci Gets Grilled on COVID at the Border, Says He’s Too Busy, “I Have More Important Things to Do”


Dr. Anthony Fauci, the father of the COVID lockdowns, joined Neil Cavuto on FOX News on Friday afternoon. Cavuto pressed Fauci on Senator Lindsey Graham’s concerns about COVID at the border.


A report by Noticias Telemundo Investiga this week reported the Biden administration is releasing COVID positive migrants in Brownsville, Texas without testing or quarantine. The migrants are being tested by local authorities where they gather at a bus stop to travel to other states, however they have no authority to detain them thereby leaving the infected migrants free to spread the virus throughout the U.S.


Dr. Fauci told Cavuto that border is a “difficult situation.” He then added that he’s too “busy” to get involved with the border because “I have more important things to do” than acquiesce to their concerns.


This is the same clown who wants you to wear at least two masks when you step outside after your vaccinations.

Anonymous ID: bcfd3b April 2, 2021, 6:32 p.m. No.13349898   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0045 >>0219 >>0411

Liberal Twitterati AGAIN blame Capitol attack on WHITE MALE suspect… who appears to be black on VIDEO


No sooner had a suspect been shot and taken to hospital in Washington DC than pundits and bluecheck talking heads pinned the attack on a “white nationalist.” But TV footage of the alleged attacker apparently revealed he was not.


Little is known about the suspect who attacked two police officers outside the US Capitol on Friday afternoon. He rammed his car into security barriers outside the building, and was shot dead when he lunged at the officers with a knife. Both the suspect and one officer died of their injuries. As of now, police have not identified the suspect, nor his motive.


Within minutes of the attack, pundits and commenters on Twitter decided that the suspect was a “white nationalist,” and a “Trump supporter,” based on nothing more than their own gut instinct, and some biased reading between the lines of the Capitol Police’s statement saying that the attack was not apparently “terrorism related.”


Live video footage broadcast by Fox News has suggested, however, that the suspect was a black male.


To some activists in the media, “domestic terrorism” is simply a stand-in phrase for “white Trump supporters,” and just two weeks ago, these same agenda-driven reporters made the same mistake, pinning a mass shooting in Boulder, Colorado, on a white extremist, before it emerged that the alleged killer was in fact a Syrian immigrant.


Friday’s “white suspect” narrative was built and collapsed in the first hour following the attack, as facts were few and far between. However, facts haven’t stopped liberal journalists in the effort to weave politically-expedient narratives before. Last month, as many in the mainstream media looked to pin a series of attacks on Asian-Americans (many by black males) on white supremacists, the shooting death of six Asian women and two whites by a white man at a number of Atlanta spas and massage parlors gave them plenty of material to work with. The fact that the suspect had frequented these massage parlors for sexual services, and explicity stated he was acting based on a “sex addiction” rather than racial hatred, did little to stop the narrative being spun.

Anonymous ID: bcfd3b April 2, 2021, 6:38 p.m. No.13349952   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Iraqi baby born with THREE PENISES in first-of-a-kind case, doctors say


An Iraqi boy who was born last year with three penises could be the first of his kind, doctors say. The two extra penises, which were not functional, were surgically removed.


Though there are roughly 100 cases of babies around the world being born with two penises, doctors in Mosul, Iraq, said that cases of babies being born with three penises are so extremely rare that this might be the first recorded case of its kind.


While the baby was born last year, the odd story was picked up by the UK’s Daily Mail and other outlets on Friday. The Mail reported that the defect was only discovered after the boy’s parents discovered what they thought was swelling in his scrotum.


However, doctors soon found two extra urethra-less penises attached to the child – one 2cm long on his primary, fully-functioning penis, and another, 1cm long, on his scrotum – and the two additional phalluses were surgically removed.


“Triphallia (three penises) is an unreported condition in humans until now,” claimed an entry made about the baby in the International Journal of Surgery Case Reports, adding that “patients with supernumerary penises have unique presentation and no cases are identical.” It added that treatment is difficult “because it poses medical, ethical, and cosmetic aspects.”


Doctors examined whether the child had been exposed to drugs during pregnancy, or if there was a history of genetic abnormalities in his family, but neither was the case.


In 2015, it was reported that a two-year-old Indian boy had undergone surgery after being born with three penises, but the Daily Mail claimed experts could not confirm the case and it hadn’t been included in any medical journals.

Anonymous ID: bcfd3b April 2, 2021, 6:42 p.m. No.13349979   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US Ends Sanctions, Visa Restrictions Against International Criminal Court Personnel


In September 2020, the US government sanctioned International Criminal Court (ICC) Chief Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda and ICC Jurisdiction, Complementary, and Cooperation Division head Phakiso Mochochoko. Then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo also declared the US would restrict issuing visas to those aiding the ICC in investigating US personnel.


US Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced on Friday that US President Joe Biden revoked Trump-era Executive Order 13928 on "Blocking Property of Certain Person Associated with the International Criminal Court (ICC)."


As a result, the US government lifted previously imposed economic sanctions against ICC Prosecutor Bensouda and her assistant Mochochoko, as well as "visa restrictions in connection with the Court," Blinken detailed.


The ICC officials were originally sanctioned by the State Department in September 2020, after former US President Donald Trump declared the Court's investigation into alleged US war crimes in Afghanistan posed a national security threat.


"These actions on the part of the ICC, in turn, threaten to infringe upon the sovereignty of the United States and impede the critical national security and foreign policy work of United States Government and allied officials, and thereby threaten the national security and foreign policy of the United States," Trump claimed in his June 2020 executive order.


Blinken emphasized Friday that the State Department under the Biden administration continues "to disagree strongly with the ICC's actions relating to the Afghanistan and Palestinian situations."


"We maintain our longstanding objection to the Court's efforts to assert jurisdiction over personnel of non-States Parties such as the United States and Israel," he said. "We believe, however, that our concerns about these cases would be better addressed through engagement with all stakeholders in the ICC process rather than through the imposition of sanctions."


The ICC has yet to issue a public response to the US move, but the Court did immediately condemn Washington's economic sanctions back in September 2020.


"These coercive acts, directed at an international judicial institution and its civil servants, are unprecedented and constitute serious attacks against the Court, the Rome Statute system of international criminal justice, and the rule of law more generally," the ICC stated.


The ICC drew worldwide attention in early March this year after Bensouda announced that the court would investigate crimes supposedly perpetrated by the Israel Defense Forces and other armed groups across Palestine since June 13, 2014. The announcement was met with praise by the Palestinian Authority and Hamas alike, while prompting outrage in Israel, with the country's prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, decrying it as "undiluted antisemitism."


In particular, the ICC announcement stated that the court's “territorial jurisdiction in the situation in Palestine [….] extends to the territories occupied by Israel since 1967, namely Gaza and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem”. Bensoud also added that there is “a reasonable basis” to believe that war crimes “have been or are being committed in the West Bank” by Israel and the militant group Hamas, requesting an investigation.


The inquiry will also examine actions of Palestine's Hamas movement, which fired rockets into Israel during the 2014 Gaza war, Bensouda said.

Anonymous ID: bcfd3b April 2, 2021, 6:52 p.m. No.13350069   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0122



Central banking cartel is inflating the market world wide driving prices higher for everything imo so they can take everything from everyone by pricing them out of every market including food and fuel etc…