>trump calling for a boycott
funny how the retards always point to op paperclip, not realizing that was top scientific minds that were brought over to develop weapons for the mil.
they never mention all those prisoners that were freed and brought over to the us by the millions that were, in fact, hardcore fucking communists.
those (((refugees))) are the snake that was let inside of america to rot it from within.
they were the ones who had kids and shit, ended up becoming teachers and spreading their communists ideology.
it's so fucking tiresome with niggers coming in here pushing the same bullshit curriculum that's forced down the throats of pretty much all western schools, throwing any and all kinds of logic along with it.
no sense in even responding to a below room temperature iq clown such as you, shill.
just keep repeating "nazi bad" like the typical fucking liberal mindset and while you're at it, look up godwin's law.
you'd be better suited at /leftypol/ so you all can hate whites and worship jews, spics, niggers, and eskimos all in the same place.
oh yea, they were so fucking "liberal" that they burned all the degenerate books containing pedophilia, beastiality, homosechs, and every other sick thing imaginable by the heeb.
they were about as liberal insomuch as looking out for your own countrymen while still respecting private property so long as it didn't corrupt the nation - much of what's destroying america today.
so go fuck yourself, indoctrinated nigger.