Anonymous ID: 1a6f1b April 3, 2021, 3:44 a.m. No.13351860   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1862

Louis Farrakhan just got some positive press when that video snippet came out about the vaccine pushers igniting an "act of war". Louis Farrakhan has apparently rejected Christianity and holds many objectionable views. Here's the thing, though. Louis Farrakhan is awake on the vaccines. He knows what the vaccines are doing to his community, which is to intentionally cause illness, disability and death.


Does anyone else suspect that the Capitol incident is another, not really FF, but possible MKUltra type inspired attack? Designed to get strong NEGATIVE attention on Nation of Islam?


To me the mandated vaccine and "vaccine passport" to follow is potentially a great unifier. A unifier of people of all races, creeds,etc. If you don't have autonomy over your own body and all your actions are tracked you are no longer human you are a "cog" a slave, or cattle.

Anonymous ID: 1a6f1b April 3, 2021, 3:51 a.m. No.13351867   🗄️.is 🔗kun



This is interesting because the Missouri Department of Health and Human Services still says vaccines are "required" for school attendance.


This apparently means children do not need proof of "required" vaccines to go to school!


Glory to Almighty God!


Thank you Jesus!


This is WONDERFUL news about the vaccine passport idea being banned, but lets take it further and get the vaccines off our children, too!


Anonymous ID: 1a6f1b April 3, 2021, 4:01 a.m. No.13351889   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1893 >>1915 >>1919



Maybe the airlines have been involved in human trafficking for a long time. The airline leadership is being extorted, blackmailed or whatever to hide their crimes by the "vaccine pushers" who want Americans to be chipped, whipped (well, maybe not that, yet), vaccinated and assaulted (by DHS) as they travel, but will allow unaccompanied minors (trafficking victims) to fly without anything but a sheet of paper. (That's my hypothesis, anyway)


In any case, the airline "industry" deserves serious scrutiny, imo.


Hey, another thought just occurred to me: The privacy and dignity destroying DHS "patdowns" etc. might not really be about protecting us from "terrorists". Maybe its just to get us used to being groped in public by "officials" and used to seeing our children and elderly treated that way, too. Destroy our human dignity and make us easier to treat like cattle.

Anonymous ID: 1a6f1b April 3, 2021, 4:08 a.m. No.13351899   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1917




I have been an "anti-vaxxer" (medical freedom advocate) since sometime after seeing the movie "Vaxxed: From Cover-up to Catastrophe". Louis Farrakhan's "Nation of Islam" was the one group that showed up in support, when vaccine injury victims showed up and protested at the CDC several years ago. Elijah Cummings was apparently also contacted about the information contained in "Vaxxed" but his office did NOT support informing his community or taking a stand against vaccine mandates.


If Louis Farrakhan has ties to foreign entities seeking to harm the United States then I'd have a problem. If he is simply a man with different view exercising his freedom to hold views others call "objectionable" then I don't.

Anonymous ID: 1a6f1b April 3, 2021, 4:38 a.m. No.13351942   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1949 >>1964



I saw the capped notable a bread or two back and I strongly agree with the part about being prepared to deal with anger by forgiving. I think anons have already done that with some of the information about crimes against children committed in HollyWeird, etc.


However, I think their is another set of crimes that will touch nearly every family in this country. That is the intentional destruction of life by what I call the "vaccine pogrom". When I began to grasp the intentional nature of what was happening I was so angry that I, as a conservative Christian, said words I did not know I could say.


Imagine your precious newborn infant assaulted with a 100% unnecessary "Hep B" vaccine which is loaded with so much aluminum that it WILL cause some damage virtually all babies getting it. It is probably an instant IQ lowering dose. Think about nearly every chronic condition, disease, cancer, etc. ALL being caused or exacerbated by a liability free product "mandated" to be injected or else you might face a visit from CPS or a call from a school, even a stop by police (I saw video apparently from California of an officer accosting a mom about the vaccine status of her child). This is the ultimate conundrum: Going against the establishment to protect your child from vaccine damage and facing the possibility of losing them to the CPS (Child "protective" services) child traffickers.


It took me a LONG time to grasp the mind of Christ who offers ALL people the chance to repent and be saved, even if they must pay some consequences on earth.


I try to ask God to give each person an effective Christian witness, so that, whether or not they choose to receive grace, the person (no matter how wicked) has an opportunity to escape eternal damnation.


It helps me to forgive to see the healing that has occurred in my life of injuries I experienced as a baby and young child. I trust that "all things work together for good to them that love God and are the called according to His purposes". So even if a vaccine has harmed or killed, God will redeem this situation for His glory and our good.