Anonymous ID: 11389e April 3, 2021, 6:31 p.m. No.13355195   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Egyptian wisdom contained the concept of "Westing".

Basically the the path of the sun and its setting in the west.

Tied to decline, death etc..


What about its opposite?

Surely there is a "Easting".


Perhaps Easter is the opposite?


About time for some serious easting.

Anonymous ID: 11389e April 3, 2021, 6:38 p.m. No.13355223   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5252 >>5908


If we hold that spirit is defined as the pattern of ones thoughts…


A demon or jinn would be the absence of control of a specific aspect of ones thoughts. i.e. fear, shame, anger etc..


A good smoke does quiet the demons long enough to question them. "What is your source?" "What experience were you born from?"


If as human being resolves their "demons" there is no longer a hook in the nose to guide them.

Anonymous ID: 11389e April 3, 2021, 6:47 p.m. No.13355282   🗄️.is 🔗kun



lol That would be a headache. Whew a nasty one.


As far as the mines… I think that they may be a metaphor.


Good point, demons can be put to work. Though most are better left unemployed.


An example of a useful working demon. One of procrastination can be used as a signal to begin work.

Anonymous ID: 11389e April 3, 2021, 7:23 p.m. No.13355539   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5572 >>5574

Learned something interesting in a language class.

That hebrew numbers are much like other languages with one exception.


That the numbers 15 and 16 are outside the pattern of sequential numbers.


There is some sort of prohibition about the knowledge of the two numbers together side by side, spoken or written.


Clarity welcome if anyone has some. In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king.

Anonymous ID: 11389e April 3, 2021, 7:32 p.m. No.13355614   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5624




Thanks. I have done some work in determining the shared constructive template of arabic, hebrew and english… but the number side of things has evaded me.


This was a very curious number example that stands out among languages.

Anonymous ID: 11389e April 3, 2021, 7:35 p.m. No.13355635   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5659



Normally I would have agreed. But when you place the letters of each languages alphabet equally around a circle..


Then add up the degrees for each letter… in that languages spelling of god…


…you kick superstition to the curb.

Anonymous ID: 11389e April 3, 2021, 7:44 p.m. No.13355670   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The actual magic that applies to arabic and hebrew as well.


Letters distributed evenly through 360 degrees:


A: 13.84615384615385

B: 27.6923076923077

C: 41.5384615384615

D: 55.3846153846154

E: 69.2307692307693

F: 83.0769230769231

G: 96.923076923077

H: 110.769230769231

I: 124.615384615385

J: 138.461538461539

K: 152.307692307692

L: 166.153846153846

M: 180

N: 193.846153846154

O: 207.692307692308

P: 221.538461538462

Q: 235.384615384615

R: 249.230769230769

S: 263.076923076923

T: 276.923076923077

U: 290.769230769231

V: 304.615384615385

W: 318.461538461539

X: 332.307692307692

Y: 346.153846153846

Z: 360


The neat bit for 360 degrees:


G: 96.923076923077

O: 207.692307692308

D: 55.3846153846154


Total: 360.0000000000004

Anonymous ID: 11389e April 3, 2021, 8:14 p.m. No.13355788   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Oh man, university / universally.

There is a hypothesis that has been brewing…


Where core knowledge is expressed in metaphor through what we call subjects.


The only difference between subjects is the terminology used.


For example at three different magnitudes:


1) Ionic Bond (chemistry)

2) Emotional Bond (humanity / biology)

3) Gravitational Bond (astronomy)


Terms are exchangeable for any given statement. Work in progress, but it seems very promising.

Anonymous ID: 11389e April 3, 2021, 8:40 p.m. No.13355872   🗄️.is 🔗kun



A personal admission, I am a dominant visual thinker… not word based thinker. The apostrophe has been a demon dancing with my pineal gland all of my life.


Typos and conversion errors from idea to lettered words are welcomed.


It is interesting that the education system you went through was able to get you into a union. Odd welcoming door of sorts.


Hierarchy has a way of isolating and reducing to singular points of control.


Easy top grades = nodal point in the structure.

Anonymous ID: 11389e April 3, 2021, 8:49 p.m. No.13355915   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5931

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