China props up failing fake news.
Salvador Dali: A Soft Self-Portrait
The fake news blamed Flynn for weaponizing Trump.
America the great?
Everything is about depopulating the world.
No politician is good no not one.
75% of the people that post here never believed Q, they just wanted a free speech forum.
The only plan is Gods plan and it is finished.
Thank you for your tireless service.
Q was an artists interpretation of what a modern day patriot would look like. The artist was wrong.
Remember don't neglect yourself and your family.
Just let it sink in.
Jesus loves you Trump just wanted to get elected again.
God Loves you.
China is CIA FBI fake news slave owner garbage.
Watch the alter boys.
China is CIA FBI fake news slave owner garbage.
China is North Korea on steroids.
Joe Biden is in late stage Alzheimer's.
The swastika is from ancient China.