Anonymous ID: 274678 May 8, 2018, 3:24 a.m. No.1335909   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5913 >>5914 >>5923 >>5964 >>6141 >>6228 >>6246 >>6297

I was busy writing this up,( answers to Q's post on his board)


Not sure if anyone else did this, did not check bread i missed yet, kek



Mass exodus in DC?

Those who were semi corrupt/black mailed resigned. Those involved deeper (DEMS) are clinging to power. ( They are stupid, and they think somehow they will get POTUS, either impeached or some other means. They are blinded by their hatred, their stupidity, their lifetime of having control, ,and the shiny carrots thrown in their path( Stormy Daniels,, ooooh SHINY, KEK)

Mass exodus - corporate CEOs?

Again,, those who were blackmailed, forced to go along,, or were not that corrupted are resigning. ( those resigning in both government and corporations, are possibly also giving information on bigger players) Those who are really involved( deep evil/corruption, are clinging on)


Who has the POWER?


Some of the really stupid and greedy cabal members think they still have power. ( because of the mockingbird media control, and sheer arrogance)

Who has the CONTROL?

POTUS GOOD GUYS( Of most important assets, to conducting the great awakening and the storm) The United States Military, the power of the office of POTUS, NSA(they have everything, all evidence, past 10 years plus)

( for some of the cabal members, they cannot even fathom a world , that do not control,, it never crossed their mind, it would ever happen) THEY NEVER THOUGHT SHE WOULD LOSE

If POTUS was NOT IN CONTROL would they be retreating?

NO, Everything would have been going, according to their evil plans, and those people would have retained those positions to further their evil agenda.

Who is the AG?


When Sessions was confirmed and sworn in as Attorney General on February 9, 2017, Boente became Acting Deputy Attorney General. On March 10, 2017, Sessions oversaw the firing of 46 United States Attorneys, leaving only his acting Deputy Dana Boente and nominated Deputy Rod Rosenstein in place.[12] Rosenstein's appointment was subject to Senate confirmation. Rosenstein was confirmed on April 25, 2017 and became Deputy Attorney General on April 26, 2017, and Boente reverted to his permanent position.

Who MUST approve the firing/dismissal of DOJ officials?

AG( Jeff Sessions)


Re_read DOJ org change (open source - more in pipe)

Who is the FBI director?

Christopher Wray

Who MUST approve the firing/dismissal of FBI agents?

Christopher Wray

Re_read FBI org change (open source - more in pipe)

If SESSIONS & WRAY are DC SWAMP/DEEP STATE why are they cleaning their respective houses?

Because they are not deepstate, they are good, and that is why they are cleaning house.



Why are they slow walking unredacted data?

Because they are not finished cleaning their houses, and getting cases together.

Why are they slow walking doc disclosures?

Same reason as above( and to keep the stage set, in order to fool the stupid people until , justice can be served to all of them)

Why is the WH backing up DOJ?

Because The WH supports the cleaning job that Sessions and Wray are doing.

What if the same data is being used by other investigators?

Their crimes stretch across multiple jurisdictions, and crimes, many connected to different branches of government and private sector. ( hence the slow walking of materials to house, because they are still building cases, in multiple agencies)

What does it mean if a grand jury is impanelled?

It is in the phase of finding/ examining evidence to decide if indictments should be brought against them.

Why are confusing questions asked as to outcome re: Mueller?

To cover/ hide the real purpose of his investigation.

What would be the purpose of creating confusion?

To fool the bad actors into thinking they still have control, and so Mueller and others can investigate in peace, without watchful eyes. ( they need to throw a few confusing things out there, to keep the bad guys guessing)

What was Sessions' Senate confirmation vote?

52 to confirm, 47 against. It was along party lines,, one democrat voted for Sessions( Joe Manchin lll of W. Va. )

Anonymous ID: 274678 May 8, 2018, 3:25 a.m. No.1335913   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5914 >>5964 >>6079 >>6277 >>6297 >>6441


What was RR's Senate confirmation vote?

94 voted to confirm, 6 voted against.


If RR is dirty, Mueller must also be dirty.

If Mueller is dirty, RR must also be dirty.

Common denominator.

Both appointed by Sessions

Why did Sessions pick RR?

Because the swamp creatures trusted him, thought he was their little weasel in the hen house.

Everyone has an opinion.

People on both sides,

( republicans, and dems, ( and the cabal) none of them know exactly what is going on( republicans are angry, do not understand the slow walk) Dems are wanting, and desperate for any new dirt on Trump)

Few have the facts.

Especially those who do not follow Q, kek

( Less then 10 know the plan, and have the all the facts/ big picture)

Few know the plan.

Same answer as above.

( some autists on 8 chan are figuring it out, kek)

Midterms [save & push]?

They think/ hope this will drag out until midterms( they are desperate for anything they think will help their losing position)

Swing voters to retake House/Senate?

Impeachment proceedings (open source) initiated?

They are hoping to win, so they can proceed with their impeachment plans.

Power at all costs?

They are willing to do anything to win this year( school shootings, pushing racial tensions, women and gender issues, and of course painting every single thing Trump and anyone who is associated with him, as being bad, wrong, etc.

Blue wave?



LOGIC SAYS NO,, The Storm is about to happen, Sessions is getting ready to drop the hammer. We will be united by 11/11( so the midterms will be an unprecedented RED WAVE)

Why must the DOJ & FBI be cleaned FIRST?

Because they are responsible for JUSTICE. ( also need to be cleaned of bad actors committing treason, false flags, and other dastardly deeds)

What is the DOJ responsible for?

Prosecuting crimes.

What is the FBI responsible for?



Why did HRC get a free pass?

Because of the corrupt people at the top levels of DOJ and FBI.


Define single shooter.

Who is HUBER?

US attorney district of UTAH. Huber was appointed by U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions to investigate the FBI's surveillance of Carter Page and connections between the Clinton Foundation and Uranium One, starting in November 2017

Define IG.

In the United States, the Office of Inspector General is a generic term for the oversight division of a federal or state agency aimed at preventing inefficient or illegal operations within their parent agency

When does SESSIONS step back in?

When he is ready to be ACTIVATED, KEK) When they have finished their investigations, and it is time to drop THE HAMMER.

Already is?

Yes he has been actively involved overseeing the investigations.

Why did SESSIONS secretly engage HUBER?

Because he is helping them drain the swamp creatures from the DOJ and FBI.

Why did SESSIONS reveal HUBER?


Timing is everything.

Department of Justice does not discuss ongoing investigations or confirm specific matters,

Investigations done in a stealth way, to ensure no one escapes JUSTICE. And so the bad actors cannot harm anyone, or do things to undermine investigation and justice.

What about the active investigation into leaks?

"Horowitz oversees a nationwide workforce of more than 450 special agents, auditors, inspectors, attorneys, and support staff whose mission is to detect and deter waste, fraud, abuse, and misconduct in DOJ programs and personnel, and to promote economy and efficiency in Department operations."



Why did MP step into the C_A prior to Sec of State?

To clean the CIA ( CIA is connected to State department, because people in other countries( cabal members) are the puppet masters, so they need control of vital assets of our CIA and State department( to help/ ensure control, with their corrupt deals, like IRAN)

They are deeply connected.

CIA and state department went hand in hand in helping to maintain control, and drive their plans throughout the world.

Think Offshore.

Anonymous ID: 274678 May 8, 2018, 3:26 a.m. No.1335914   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6006 >>6046 >>6297




MIL INTEL providing support during this time?

Yes, because the corruption was so deep in the CIA. Pompeo started cleansing there( still black hats operating, some off grid,,( ones in agency have been contained for now?) Was important he move over to state department to begin cleaning there. Gina can finish the cleaning of CIA.

Why are select EO's aggressively being written and put into law?

To help bring about justice faster, and to give Potus, and alliance members the tools they need to take them out clean, fair, and by the book.

State/C_A next?

Yes some of cleaning will have to be in tandem ( at same time, one swift blow) 7th floor is no more, but they are still meeting in closets on the 6th and 8th, kek)

Think logically.

No outside comms.

Keeping a tight lip, on all the cleaning, and doing it in a way , that ensures safety for operators and all the innocent people.




Anonymous ID: 274678 May 8, 2018, 4:34 a.m. No.1336134   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Donald J. Trump


Verified account



Following Following @realDonaldTrump


John Kerry canโ€™t get over the fact that he had his chance and blew it! Stay away from negotiations John, you are hurting your country!

Anonymous ID: 274678 May 8, 2018, 4:39 a.m. No.1336154   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6191


kerry is fucked already from his corrupt traiter deals he already made( they are going all in)

He is going down,, but will do so kicking and screamin, and trying to weasle his way into some deal, they think will save them( their evil way of life).

Anonymous ID: 274678 May 8, 2018, 5:20 a.m. No.1336306   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

The guy that makes the singing parady videos, these ones,

Trump sings Camila Cabello - Havana



Trump sings all i want for chistmas,



Has a new one out, Trump sings my heart will go on. It's pretty funny, Clinton is frozen dead, and the Titanic girl lets her go, so she can sink,, IT'S AWESOME, KEK


Video starts with Trump chanting build that wall, kek

Oh and there is a video game commercial before video starts.

Anonymous ID: 274678 May 8, 2018, 5:30 a.m. No.1336345   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6363 >>6412


He lives in the creepy old military base Lokkout mountain in lauraL canyon( heart of evil in LA)



Anonymous ID: 274678 May 8, 2018, 5:48 a.m. No.1336404   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6408 >>6413 >>6457



That was the point i was trying to get at. Pompeo started cleaning in the CIA, but has to do so in the state department, before they can remove the last bad elements of the CIA( maybe also waiting for when hammer drops on others, or right before( so the rogue CIA agents cannot interfere, or cause damge during and right after arrests start.


The i was missing ( C-A) so cleaning is still not complete,( Gina will handle the final cleansing, at same time,, popmpeo does final cleansing in State department)

MP 2/3rds cleaning of CIA

MP moves to state department( currently cleaning first 2/3rds)

Then when ready, and after Gina is comfirmed,, final phase of cleaning will commence at same time, both departments?

Right before hammer really drops,


That was what i was thinking, about that paticular part.

Anonymous ID: 274678 May 8, 2018, 6:08 a.m. No.1336509   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6518

Notice how Kim is now living the dream( in terms of the dream/ideliac life they portrayed in all those previous paintings of the dear leaders( them in the cane chair with flowers behind)


Always a fake, painted picture, that did not reflect reality.


Now Kim is FREE, and he is living the reality, of what the cabal once portrayed, but in the good, right way.

Kim Jong-un makes surprise visit to China as he is seen taking a seaside stroll with President Xi after flying in on his private jet

Kim Jong-un has made another visit to China to meet President Xi Jinping

The two leaders were seen taking a seaside stroll in northeastern city of Dalian

Jet used by top North Korean officials seen taking off from the port city today

Kim travelled to Beijing by train in March for his maiden official trip abroad

Dictator met South Korean President Moon Jae-in for historic summit in April




PS, Obama is so idiotic,,, trying to copy that look,, just how stupid can you be?

It's just ridiculous,,,, Can't wait for justice, kek