Anonymous ID: 6ab4ab May 8, 2018, 6:02 a.m. No.1336469   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The logic is sound, but when people are talking about Investigations going dark for political purposes makes one wonder if we will hold the politicians accountable.


>Why did HRC get a free pass?

We have a facist / communist / criminal network working within the US. I think Kennedy described it best in his fateful speech, however the modern sate is much worse, more like advanced stage 4 cancer.

There is an entire network of criminal actors, communist network in nature.

They are all connected and part of the same C_A domestic arm

Involving Political, Executive, Law Enforcement, and Criminal elements.

If you part of this deep state network then you are immune to Justice, it is all done under the guise of "State Secrets"

Maybe your Oliver North and you traffic in Cocaine and Arms in the US, you are immune.

Maybe you are some low level gang member drug dealer part of the C_A distribution network, you are immune.

Maybe you are Hillary Clinton selling classified information and subverting National Security.

Everything is connected and supported by blackmail, a perverted version of WWG1WGA. Wherein if you are at the top of the pyramid you can being too many people down.

A mutual assured destruction network of corrupt and compromised people controlled by the intelligence agencies that hold the compromising information. A structure supported by depravity and controlled by Conciously Evil Psychopaths.



In walks TRUMP, he gets the compromising information, but he has no desire to sit atop such a rotten and rancid network

Down she goes

Praise God