That’s better. A little bigger but, so what?
I figured. While we ya know….
Chill. Wait for more, info; why not ponder the idea that there is more than what comes to mind, when in regard to reflecting upon your reality. There isn’t one reality, there can’t be, because of the infinite potential, right in the forefront of your focus. I remember watching a movie where the character sees a bubble forming from the actors’ chests, fulfilling their intents. When you start to focus on the concept that everyone has one of these, you can see a mass movement of them, all reaching and poking at the same things. Don’t you wonder what is really going on? I feel like the only one at times, even though that is ridiculous to think so. Yet, how else can one feel at this moment in time, so lied to, to the exact opposite and feeling so free. A juxtaposition that spreads the mind open like buttered toast. Is it crispy yet?
Mmmmm, crispy.
Food, sex, and children. My three sacred things.
You don’t fuck with these things, and you should be ok.
I know it seems drastic to mention, but yet, look at what the world has come to at this point. We need each other now, more than ever… Don’t you feel like I do?
Feelings matter, folks.
Save the world for better feelings.
Save the world for better moments.
Me. I am the problem. Right MSM? I’m who isn’t listening. I’m ignoring the problem.
We all take part in this “show” called life.
It’s not a game.
It’s (OUR) lives.