Hey willyface, did you really think you were going to frame me as the false prophet that you are? Why wouldn't you contact me directly out here donny? Because you know I see. You're stupid. "No I'm little rocket man" No, you're stupid. And poor. Even when you have it mate you ain't got it! 3x3 is not 9 dimensions and you are a total ding dong. E fin
Real Spirit is no mystery to less arrogating
Holy kingdom non residents think it's all in their head
Except when I do it on a fkn leapfrog leappad with my eyes closed by total happenstance then that there is just str8 up the LORD
I Am Mt Zion in Israel ask me anything!
This place is full of desperate hookers and tainted leppers, plus a few of da homies, it's not the greatest atmosphere, just thought I should clear the air
Come again
Pwoa man for a second i thought you said my Gilly boy and I was about to get shirty