Anonymous ID: 890dbb April 6, 2021, 1:05 a.m. No.13370204   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0253



How is it not obvious that we’re in the middle of a globalist takeover?


The lockdowns last year collapsed the third world and Europe and North America are being flooded by whoever can get in.


The fiat dollar is being hyper inflated to the point of collapse just as the Roman currency was right before they collapsed


Authoritarianism across the board has increased massively


Rushed vaccines are being setup to be de facto required to participate in society


Biden administration has promised gun control via executive order


The economy is in complete free fall despite the media portraying it as better. 916,000 jobs were added this March meanwhile more than 2.5 million first time unemployment claims were filed in the same month


The Federal Reserve and other central banks are buying absolutely everything. The Fed’s balance sheet has almost doubled in the last year


On top of all this the people who “predicted” Covid are predicting another pandemic soon


Bill Gates even ‘predicts’ the next pandemic could come from bioterrorists which would mean they could release anything and just blame it on any obscure terrorists


It is driving me crazy that barely anyone can see this and I just have to go through everyday life like normal. Please tell me if I’m overreacting, but I can’t see how the upcoming years aren’t cataclysmic for humanity. Something inside is telling me to get ready to head for the hills




There's plenty more if you look at "signs of a falling empire":


Pandemics. Pandemics fatally weakened several great empires; including Rome, the Byzantine Empire, the Mongol Empire, the Mexica (Aztec) Empire, the Inca Empire and the British Empire. …


Growing Hatred and Violence. …


Economic Weakness.


Sound familiar? The baton is about to be passed or taken away, whatever way you want to look at it. This is just how it works, unfortunately. I was naive enough to think I'd never see it happen in my lifetime but here we are.


I don't think it's all doom and gloom though. I think good, decent people are the majority but we're just a silent majority. If the shit does hit the fan in a big way, I think we'll prevail by coming together. We just also need to have a "machine gun hand" when it comes to the dregs and leeches of society. It can't all be a hippy dippy love in, some people need a slap. This whole "dog eat dog, every man for himself, live fast die young" selfish bastard mentality played a part in where we are today. Not everyone is going to have an invite to utopia and it's the way it should be.

Anonymous ID: 890dbb April 6, 2021, 1:15 a.m. No.13370225   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0253

It’s all dead to me. Celebrities. Sports. Concerts. Bars. Travel. None of it matters anymore. During 14 days to stop the spread, which turned into 7 weeks of lockdown, I would have done ANYTHING to go to a concert.


The celebrities I once looked up to I know can’t look at. It’s all gone. 2020 changed me. And I don’t miss any of it. I only wish I had ditched all of these false idols sooner.


But now? I count it as loss. It means nothing to me anymore. The people I once idolized are puppets. The politicians I once applauded are imbedded in their own interests and have sold us out. The companies I once shopped with are colluding against us.


The truth is is that I’d give up any of these things sooner if I had truly understood. But now I do. And it set me free. I’ll walk the narrow road with my eyes fixed on the finish line. None of what is here matters. The earth and everything here is temporary.


There is life after death. So I count this all as loss. 2020 was the year that separated the wheat from the chaff. There are still people straddling the line, soon they will have to choose where they stand too.


“Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it.”

1 Corinthians 9:24


If disagreeing with what is happening causes me to lose my seat at the table and to lose my status in society, I’m willing to sit alone.


Everything here is passing away. There is no going back to normal. This is a hard to swallow pill. The new normal is here. The New World Order is here. But I have hope. My hope isn’t in The United States of America or any president. It’s in God alone.


I see many people worried about what freedoms they’ll lose by not taking the experimental vaccines - they think that this vaccines means things will go back to normal.


Things are never going back to normal.

Anonymous ID: 890dbb April 6, 2021, 1:21 a.m. No.13370232   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Mainstream media, where are you motherfuckers?


Liberals, Facebook, Twatter, MeeToo, Demoncrats, BLM, Antifa…


Where are you?