is possibly what gets us to NG in 12 cities etc.
>with his knee in the exact spot it was on Floyd's neck.
with his knee in the exact spot it was on Floyd's shoulder blade
this is the famous media footage.
have you got the alternate footage froma different angle from the bodycam they apparently just showed in court yesterday?
smoking broccoli is the worst tho
never mistook dried cauliflower in the kitchen floor for weed.
what happened to all those great digs about how the counterfeit wasn't supposed to be used locally becvause it would bring the heat, so they whacked him? that chauvin worked bouncer at the same club? is chauvin holding him down just a red herring? was the real whack putting Floyd in a situation where he had to hide what he was holding for his dealer in his prison wallet to avoid a bust, but he was given a "hot dose"that they knew would kill him (for passing the counterfeit & knowing/revealing too much about that operation). All Chauvin had to do was hold him down, and the systemic delays would make sure there was time enough for the fentanyl to work.
clearly we need some Hunter On Floyd memes to show the white supremacy and vicitimization of the situation.
color of law makes everyone a slave
handling that southern border no doubt
seent. is it gonna be riots either way?
"organic" or funded?
did the first round of riots not succeed?
admirable restraint on the part of patriots not wanting a civil war. peace is the prize.
first looks like intelligent person using sharpie to foil facial recognition. other two look like gang or prison facial tattoo victims.
nasim vs.chauvin: the movie