Anonymous ID: a2701b April 6, 2021, 6:38 a.m. No.13370951   🗄️.is 🔗kun


they have been very busy of late… wonder if they get overtime pay?

Honey I have to stay late again and torture a half crazy person to make them totally crazy and drive them to the mall with a gun….don't wait up… oh and don't go to the mall…. kek

Anonymous ID: a2701b April 6, 2021, 7:49 a.m. No.13371288   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Covid lasts until 2025 and then get ready for SPARS! NOW WITH MOAR FEAR!


The Center’s SPARS Pandemic exercise narrative comprises a futuristic scenario that illustrates communication dilemmas concerning medical countermeasures (MCMs) that could plausibly emerge in the not-so-distant future. Its purpose is to prompt users, both individually and in discussion with others, to imagine the dynamic and oftentimes conflicted circumstances in which communication around emergency MCM development, distribution, and uptake takes place. While engaged with a rigorous simulated health emergency, scenario readers have the opportunity to mentally “rehearse” responses while also weighing the implications of their actions. At the same time, readers have a chance to consider what potential measures implemented in today’s environment might avert comparable communication dilemmas or classes of dilemmas in the future.


In their own words….