Anonymous ID: 8d8ce9 April 6, 2021, 11:02 a.m. No.13372357   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2417




OK, buckle up. Yesterday a seeming HelperAnon offered these hints:


">13367457 (pb)

>How do you explain that?

Because you have to SHOW people.

You couldn't indict people re: 9/11 in 2019, because most normies would reject it.

When this is over, you can indict people re: 9/11, because normies will know that they have been fooled that severely, and that they were too stupid to figure it out and they even screamed at the ones telling them wtf is going on and called them conspiracy theorists.

Same with vaccine poison.

It's that simple.

You are indeed watching a movie.

>I'm here because we are all owed an explanation for why


So wait a moment, you think you were fooled the whole time, but you think you get an actual explanation here of all places by the ones who fooled you for 3 years?

Why would you think that?

>new world order

It's not new.

And if you would have been here mid 2019, you would have seen POTUS's posts re: the situation, why no arrests etc. It all makes sense now.

Yes, theoretically this could still be a cabal psyop, you never know until the show is fully over."


That all started here: (/pb)


Now, regarding this "And if you would have been here mid 2019, you would have seen POTUS's posts re: the situation, why no arrests etc. It all makes sense now." HelperAnon helped me find the items he was referring to which is from July 4, 2019. HelperAnon says these were posts by Trump. Himself. On 8. He said (/pb "they are verified by image and by future"(image was closeup of microphone at POTUS' podium).


So here are all the posts HelperAnon refers to. They are all by by ID: fa59f8 in that thread which starts in this slow-to-load archive (/pb) here:


"Promises made, promises kept? Why have there been no arrests, yet why have many deals been made? You have yet to understand what is really going on behind the scenes.

We’re about to reach the point of no return. With events unfolding as stated in the last couple weeks, hopefully now you understand and see just how real this is. Remain stagnant and you’ll lose this country and freedoms for good. Remain as armchair rebels and you’ll see your love ones in danger. Why are you seeing an uptick in world events? What has passed you by in congress? What is BIG DATA preparing for? Offline intentional? Systems in place?

You have yet to wake up!

Russia / Turkey in the news soon"



"We are trying to make a difference and we are taking big risks. Understand that you are all being deceived. Preparations are being made that will affect everyone - WW.

Think corralling of the sheep. What’s the ultimate goal? Elites still very much in control despite what you read, see, or hear."



"No arrests. Why? No declas. Why? DOJ investigations ongoing? Try again. Slow walk in play. Why? This is a battle for position; internal. YOU will not see what you are expecting. The let down will be great. As expected - cause and effect will produce results they need."



"Think! Public view of anons. Media push on “8ch conspiracy theory.” Why are platforms censoring heavily? As a result of what? What laws are being pushed? Corralling of the sheep. Can’t you see what hand you all play in all of this? AI, BIG DATA, 5G, Chem, GMO, crypto, MORE and all for a BIGGER cause. Speak up against these things and be loud!"



"Now your thinking. Who created shadowbans? Json written for what objective? AI gathers what to improve?"



So, according to HelperAnon, the above posts by Trump himself define where we are at and what is really going on.


I put the pieces together but leave it to you to interpret.