Morning anons…
Researchfag here and wanting to give you some data regarding health and (potentially) what is coming…Trying to push this information out in talks and anonymously so as not to violate any future commercial activities (patents)..basically, the info needs to be know while still covering our/my ass…but the information is highly valuable and would hope the right people are paying attention as we can address MANY of societies health issues just with some changes in diet.
New food pyramid needed and would humbly suggest that it be based on EATING FOR YOUR NEUROLOGY. Per the graphic, at least in our world, you break down neurologically into 3 higher level silos. Energy, Cognition, and Regulation.
Energy neurological silo is made up of Acetylycholine and GABA..also adrenaline would fall into this category. Foods that contain protein are good here. Spinach and cauliflower on the plant side. These foods will be broken down by the body into pre-cursors like Glutamate and Choline which are further broken down into GABA and ACH neuro’s…
The cognition silo is a bit easier to “grock” and everyone knows a bit about this silo. Consider serotonin and dopamine. We know that these chemical mediators run our MOOD and COGNITION. Where do they come from? We are not born with a big ole bucket of dopamine and another big ole bucket of serotonin. Our bodies have to BUILD these from pre-cursors. In particular from tryptophan. So, for instance, if I denied you foods that contain tryptophan, generally speaking you would NOT be able to produce dopamine and serotonin and you would suffer with depression and would not be able to think clearly. A bit of a generalization, but hopefully you get the idea how IMPORTANT the foods we eat are to our neurology.
The last silo is how you regulate your body. Here is where the fuckery appears to have been inserted. Something called your endocannabinoid system is now looking to be your master regulatory system. It manages how your regulate your heart, your blood pressure, your cholesterol, your gut, your feeding and craving activities (addiction), your weight, your complete immune system which means how you handle: inflammation, immune response, and pain management (cancers also would live here…). Sauce can be found really by just going to NIH.GOV and doing a search on endocannabinoid + (insert your condition)…over 71K current articles and studies. Some sauce below…