the photos all appear as if a single frame was taken out of a video..and used as a sinlge still photograph……..explains the low quality blurriness etc too…notice all the black on the tops and bottoms?
its a security setting issue thank google for that right click on the lock symbol
never mind not explaining why the sky is blue today
save it don't waste your time on idiots
im not going there …..next subject…autists cant grasp that anyways
good answers……but save it autists cant grasp it
got it…agreed
comey too
i'm not trying to discuss it here…i just chimed in…..dont worry you can just go cry and rock in the corner like a real autist….i realize its out of your ability to actually think and gather facts and analyze them on your own accord….ive done my research have you
Stunning. Hillary Clinton Gave Russia the US Technology for Hypersonic Intercontinental Nuke Missiles
if you were a true anon you would know… and you wouldn't be asking……..
CIA if disbanded right now would continue to operate as normal as far as black ops…they supply there own money through drugs and shell companies etc
lets see….1 for sure…..2 no doubt…..and 3 yell ya fits the bill perfectly……..and you pretty much can guess who the other 6 (less than or equal too) military members are…..yep mystery solved……
without getting into it too deeply……it ties into the illumanati and the end times plan of grand deception
bc q mentioned single shooter in his post last night ie Define single shooter.