Anonymous ID: ce223b May 8, 2018, 10:15 a.m. No.1338083   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8091


I wouldn't worry. The world already looks a lot different. Won't be perfect, but the less secrety governments, and the less "community organization", the better.

Everyone will question the presstitutes. THAT'S where we fuct up before, all this propaganda shit, and not looking at elephants in the room. WE are why (((they))) existed.

We get a do-over. The criminals are already being punished bigly, and simple enforcement of US Const. (small govt, simpler laws, hopefully term limits), plus respecting other nations and no nation-building, will be a YUGE step in the right direction.

What future gens do, that's up to them. But they'll have a clean slate.