Anonymous ID: 90ccf8 April 6, 2021, 5:18 p.m. No.13374299   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4452 >>4483 >>4563 >>4589 >>4837 >>4967

The Truth About Mask Mandates:


WATCH – Dr. Fauci explains why wearing a mask during a pandemic is not effective –


Post-Thanksgiving mask charts: Still no evidence that masks work –


WATCH – Jim Meehan, MD – Wearing Masks Makes Healthy People Sick and Does Not Help to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19 –

Peer-Reviewed Danish Study Finds Masks Don’t Protect Wearers From COVID Infection –


America’s Frontline Doctors Share Why Mask Mandates Do Not Work –

Why I Wear My Mask | Welcome to the Masquerade –


Why is Sweden Banning the Wearing of Masks?


YOU WERE PLAYED: Asymptomatic Transmission of COVID-19 Didn’t Occur at All, Study of 10 Million Finds –


Reality Check | Ben Swan On Why Face Masks Don’t Work, According To Science – – Watch – 1:42 – 7:21


The “Experts” Are Ignoring the Science on Wearing Masks –

“We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection.” –


Dr. Jim Meehan, MD – Why Healthy People Should Not Wear Masks –


Dr. Ronny Jackson: ‘Wearing a Mask Is a Personal Choice’


Healthy People Should Wear Masks Only if Caring for Coronavirus Patients–BWqrv3J_M0Tkwb9hws8KY



Anonymous ID: 90ccf8 April 6, 2021, 5:19 p.m. No.13374304   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4373 >>4399 >>4452 >>4563 >>4837 >>4967

Nation of Islam Calls Member Who Assaulted U.S. Capitol ‘Brother With Such Great Potential’


Organization vows to find motive for attack, including mind control



The Nation of Islam said it is investigating what caused one of its followers to stage a deadly assault against U.S. Capitol police last week, calling the deceased attacker a "brother with such great potential" who could have been a "star in the mission of the resurrection of our people."


The group distanced itself from the attack by its supporter Noah Green, saying it "absolutely disavow[s] this act that resulted in the senseless loss of life," and indicated that it was looking into a number of potential explanations for "what caused this"—including mental illness, depression, Green's own claims that his food was being poisoned, and that he was under "mind control."


"I am sure, had [Green] been blessed to come through the crisis that he was going through, he would have been a star in the mission of the resurrection of our people," said Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. "We need to know what happened to our brother."


Green, a 25-year-old Nation of Islam supporter, killed Officer William Evans after ramming his car through a barrier at the Capitol on Friday. Green attacked a second officer with a knife before being shot and killed by police.


The Nation of Islam described Green as a young man who "struggled in his early life but overcame much as a student to graduate with a degree in finance. He had a wonderful, noble idea to help the black and brown people through his knowledge of finance."


The organization added that "our research is continuing into what happened to this young man and we cannot rest until we find out what caused him to take a turn like this. We are saddened by the loss of this brother with such great potential."


In a social media post before the attack, Green claimed that he "suffered multiple home break-ins, food poisoning, assaults, unauthorized operations in the hospital, mind control."


Just a day after the attack, the Nation of Islam's research arm promoted claims about the U.S. government engaging in mind control.


"Sidney Gottlieb was an American chemist involved with the Central Intelligence Agency's assassination attempts and its mind-control program known as Project MKUltra," wrote the Nation of Islam Research Group on Twitter.


Farrakhan regularly calls Jews "satanic" and claims they control the media, financial industry, and global politics. He has also described white people as "potential humans" who "haven't evolved yet."


The Nation of Islam has promoted anti-Semitic and anti-government conspiracy theories, including claims that the Sept. 11 attacks were a "false flag" operation orchestrated by "Jewish Zionists" within the U.S. government. The group published a three-book series called The Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews, which blamed Jews for the history of black oppression.

Anonymous ID: 90ccf8 April 6, 2021, 5:21 p.m. No.13374315   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4399

California’s Failed Response To COVID


Now that we’ve “celebrated” the first anniversary of COVID-19 in California, it’s a good time to take stock of the state’s response.


From the beginning, the Golden State has taken an aggressive stance toward the epidemic, including imposing the earliest shelter-in-place order in the nation; ceasing in-person schooling for the vast majority of public-school kids; shuttering churches, parks, and playgrounds; mandating masks, with hefty fines for violators; and forcing the closure of “non-essential” businesses that cannot operate using distancing technologies, such as videoconferencing. Even Disneyland has been closed since March 2020. In short, California has followed one of the strictest lockdowns in the country.


Though the state’s response received high marks in July from the “covidian” high priesthood, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, the state has seen exploding coronavirus cases and deaths. Through March 28, 2021, 8.9 percent of all Californians have been identified as COVID cases—3.6 million cases. Since most infections are not recognized as cases, a much larger fraction of the population has been infected with COVID. Through March 29 this year, nearly 57,800 people have died in California with COVID.


To put these numbers in perspective, it helps to have a comparison state that has followed a very different policy. For that, we should consider Florida, which partially lifted its lockdown in May 2020 and then further relaxed restrictions in September (based in part on focused protection ideas advocated by us).


In sharp contrast to California, in Florida most schools and universities have been open for in-person instruction since the fall, normal human activities—sports, church going, visits to the park—occur with regularity, and businesses have been open for in-person activities. Local ordinances can recommend masks and social distancing and impose indoor-capacity limitations but cannot mandate closures, as is the case in California. Disneyworld has been open since July. At the same time, Florida increased testing and protection within its nursing homes to reduce the risk of COVID among its most vulnerable residents.


The Florida policy has drawn sharp criticism from Fauci, who said it “opened up too quickly” in July. However, the infection control results to date look remarkably similar to California’s, and in some ways better. Through March 28, 9.5 percent of Floridians have been identified as COVID cases. Once we account for the fact that Florida has one of the oldest populations in the country and California has one of the youngest, the death rates with COVID through March 28 are lower in Florida than in California. In fact, the COVID death rate for the under-65 population and the over-65 population are both lower in Florida than in California.

Anonymous ID: 90ccf8 April 6, 2021, 5:35 p.m. No.13374408   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4452 >>4563 >>4837 >>4967

Netanyahu trial: Witness was asked to destroy all text messages on scheme


Witness: Accused 'insisted that he destroy all text messages relating to the media scheme.'


During the second day of the corruption trial for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday, former Walla CEO Ilan Yeshua told the court about a dramatic meeting in December 2016 when Shaul and Iris Elovitch called him to their house on an emergency basis.


The Elovitches took his cellphone and their cellphones and left them outside the house, he said.


Next, the Elovitches told him they must coordinate their stories about the interference with Walla’s coverage, he added.


Shaul Elovitch said they, Yeshua and Netanyahu would claim it was done to keep Walla from being too far-left politically and due to the close friendship between Netanyahu and Elovitch, Yeshua said.

Further, Elovitch insisted that he destroy all text messages relating to the media scheme, he said.


Yeshua said he refused, adding that he would delete the messages later after he had saved some personal messages.

In addition, Elovitch told Yeshua he should destroy his cellphone, he said.


Yeshua said he was in such shock from the potential of criminal liability for himself, the Elovitches and Netanyahu that when he got home, he could not get out of his car for 10 minutes.

The former Walla CEO said he never destroyed the text messages.


In fact, the next morning, he met with multiple lawyers who recorded everything that had happened and placed their written account in a safe, he told the court.


Next, Yeshua said he came to Walla’s office and called a special emergency meeting with Walla chief executive editor Aviram Elad and news director Michael Kline.

Both are due to testify after Yeshua testifies and is cross-examined, probably around the end of the summer or early fall.

He said he told them to cease any special favoritism for Netanyahu.


The two were skeptical that Yeshua would stick to such an independent line after four years of tilted coverage for Netanyahu and promises that things would “return to normal soon,” he said, adding that he convinced them that this time he was serious.


Throughout the day, Yeshua testified that Netanyahu’s top aide, Nir Hefetz, repeatedly called him and texted him, but Yeshua went out of his way to ignore and avoid him.


Further, in multiple later meetings, Elovitch asked him if he had deleted the text messages that could be used as proof of the media scheme, Yeshua told the court.


He said he lied to Elovitch and told him he had deleted them to get him off his back.