Anonymous ID: 8f890d April 6, 2021, 8:06 p.m. No.13375374   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5388 >>5427 >>5439 >>5489

Lucifer, aka, satan, was once the pinnacle of God's creation. Beautiful, high intelligence, very near in the presence of God Himself. It is said that Lucifer lead worship of God in heaven.

Then God created a human being, made in His own image. Not like a mirror image, but a being "like" God. Lucifer was no longer THE pinnacle of God's creation. Even the most lowly of humans is greater than, and rules over Lucifer, satan. To me, I suspect Lucifer was extremely jealous of humanity. And, I suspect, Lucifer is a narcissist. Blind to his own weakness, Lucifer wrongly believes he can defeat God.

Since humanity became, Lucifer began plotting and planning. When Adam and Eve committed treason against God, humanity lost their God given power over the hosts of heaven(another dimension). Humanity has been in a fallen condition since we were thrown out of the garden of Eden.

After the fall, a couple hundred "angels" came into the earth and produced children with human females. Their offspring became giants. For many hundreds of years humanity expanded in number, and so did the giants. One estimate I heard is that there may have been as many people in the earth as there are now(people lived hundreds of years, each having numerous children).

When the flood came, all but a few humans died, and all the giants did die. The souls of the giants, because they were NOT a creation of God, are not allowed in heaven. They continue on as disembodied spirits. Those are the ones we call "demons." Before those giants died, they committed sodomy with one another, ate humans, and each other. There was much violence. And, yes, they mated with humanity, tainting the human genome God had created. Only Noah was found to be pure(there are many legends throughout the world that mention the flood and a man named Noah, or a name similar to Noah).

It is said that we humans are assigned a guardian angel at our birth. And, I believe, satan assigns a demon to each of us. They watch us, our words and actions. All of our interactions with others. After a while, they know us so well that it is almost as if they read our minds. But, only God knows our deepest thoughts and our heart of hearts. The demons and the fallen angels that followed satan have no real power, except what WE give them.

And sadly, humanity has given satan and his minions way too much. Look at the "elites." They do all the things the giants did before the flood. They are willingly going along with the wicked ones. They have been promised things the satan cannot deliver on. And satan, and the other fallen, and the disembodied spirits of their offspring, HATE HUMANITY. These "elites" who do the bidding of the evil ones think they are different, but the evil ones hate the "elites" just as much as the most pious Christian. The "elites" are sorely deceived, and they will burn in the devils hell for it. But, they CAN repent.

We can all stop giving the evil ones their power. Believe what God is saying through His prophets. This mess we are in will not end because of what man does, but because of what God will do. We must pray for DJT and his family, and pray for the revealing of the truth. Prayers will hasten the happening. And do not give up. The evil ones try to wear us down, to give up, to do things we ought not do. The evil ones think they can defeat us but that only happens if we let them.

And do not be deceived.

I read some b.s. in an earlier bread about "aliens" being around millions of years, watching humanity. Those "aliens" are the evil ones, not beings from another planet. They are from another dimension(which is how their spacecrafts suddenly disappear). Satan is known to be the father of lies, and the greatest lie he convinces man is that he(satan) does not exist. He can masquerade as an angel of light, or as an alien. No doubt there are other planets with life, but they are NOT watching us anymore than us watching them. In fact, the top French Ufologist(can't remember his name, but there was a character in Close Encounters of the Third kind based on this man) gave up his examination of Ufo's because he realized their behavior was more consistent with demons than scientific aliens.

Our world is full of deception. Pray for truth to be exposed. It can all be settled then. Left, right, alien, demon, light, dark, will all be understood when truth shines.

Love and peace.

Anonymous ID: 8f890d April 6, 2021, 8:13 p.m. No.13375414   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5431


You think the evil ones can't pretend, and appear, as an "alien" craft? You underestimate the enemy! Satan can, and does, appear as an angel of Light! Looking like an alien is easy peasy, lemon squeezy.