'Jack Maxey On The Contents Of Hunter's Laptop & Why It Matters To Every American'
>is this correct re hunter laptop
'Jack Maxey On The Contents Of Hunter's Laptop & Why It Matters To Every American'
>is this correct re hunter laptop
'And no other anecdote illustrates that better than Hunter Biden's brief engagement with a fugitive Ukrainian oligarch's team in 2015, one that began with discussions about lobbying his father's administration to make an indictment go away and ended with a separate $3 million deal and a handsome $275,000 transfer into a firm that routinely paid the younger Biden.
Following the money is a dizzying exercise, with multiple business firms and bank accounts and a discussion about one deal that ends with payment for another business opportunity.
The tale begins in April 2015, when Hunter Biden got an email from his business partner — the now-convicted felon Devon Archer — about a plan to assist the oligarch Dmitri Firtash, a Ukrainian who was under U.S. indictment by the Obama-Biden administration, and at the time, a fugitive.'
'In this exclusive interview with General Mike Flynn, we cover Barack Obama’s bizarre fascination with Gen. Flynn, Gen. Flynn’s battles to fix the intel community, the 2015 CIS dinner where Lokhova was present, and the real reason Jim Comey targeted Flynn.'
>December 3, 2020
'Alex Jones interviews General Michael Flynn on where we are on the election, covid, whats in the future.'
>January 6, 2021
hbo didn't mention PunSym i don't think
hbo also doesn't explain shills or GOOD Anons and all their research
more about the drama of Ron etc
still interesting to see that side but hbo focusing on the messengers, not the msg
are you going to block that 1 also, kek
strzok and lisa page, so diRRty biden couldn't hire them back?
tickets suck