Anonymous ID: e06be5 April 7, 2021, 12:06 a.m. No.13376337   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6342 >>6350



Jacqueline, was 17


She was, sexy and 17


She was just 17, if you know, what I mean


On the edge of, 17


You are the dancing queen, young and sweet, only 17


'Cause we were barely 17 and we were barely dressed


Andrew Johnson was 17th President.


Apollo 17 was last Apollo mission.


17th Amendment gave us the bogus direct election of Senators.


Haikus usually consist of 17 syllables.


187 is two 17s, if you work the 8 backwards (i.e., add a 9) to a 17; or really a stutter, 1177.


8 is the number of completion, also works backwards to 17.


88 is timelines crossing (Back to the Future); also, 1717.


What happened in 1717, I wonder?