If I were POTUS, I would use this opportunity—pulling out of the Iran Deal—to implicate the treasonous players involved in obligating the US to this debacle. He will no doubt outline his reasons for pulling out of the deal, which will provide the perfect opportunity to reveal not only the very one-sided provisions of the main deal, but also the treasonous provisions of the "side deals", the existence of which was acknowledged by Valerie Jarrett. I think the American taxpayers will be both astonished and horrified to find out that one of the side deals obligates us to twice yearly payments of $250 billion to Iran, in perpetuity apparently. I also think they will demand an explanation from those who agreed to these side deals and insist on an accounting of what the money is for. It will be interesting and revealing to watch the Obama administration try to explain their way out of that particularly heinous side deal, because as we here all suspect, the money is really more for the cabal than for Iran. I hope that POTUS puts it all out there. It Indicts the Obama administration players in treasonous activities without MI/ Q team fingerprints making the revelation look politically motivated. POTUS can just say that the main deal itself is bad enough, but the side deals are incomprehensible, unfair to the American taxpayers, and potentially treasonous. Then let the outrage from the American people take it from there.