who wants civil war?
pedo Joe wants civil war!
who wants civil war?
pedo Joe wants civil war!
concrete = take action on guns
prog lefty gookie whitey jorno's all abashed and all a gush over all the recent mass shootings –
uhh , recent like isis resurgence, PALESTINE refunding, iran radicals – shoot - orange man bad didn't have shootings all the time
he defunded the arseholes
ergo: shootings come from the prog lefty satanists mask police gun takers
= philosophy
no moar Parmesantis a blockade
hilldawg' tweet warning her peeps to be careful about who they vote to put up for sacrifice - is haunting
AIRLINES - stewardesses have thar marching / kill orders – target the maskless
pedoJoe takes pleasure in misery
loves to meet with the family of the dead
sniff sniff - wipe away tears