just like Michael Hastings
Of course they don’t show a mass shooters photo when he is black but has a “white” name
Creepy joe is signing the EO on gun control today
seems like they are trying to swamp the news with misc bullshit to hide it
This is because the mRNA is uploaded into normal cells in the body causing them to produce the spike protein which is then attacked by the bodies immune system.
the vaccine is supposed to target only white blood cells but it doesn’t, any cell can upload mRNA and when it does, it makes itself a target for the immune system.
But ya, go ahead and get that vaccine. It only makes the host produce the spike in normal cells which then become a target for the immune system.
It also causes false positives for the virus in tests because the body is producing the spike protein, which gives the makers the ability to say you need more vaccines, which causes more spikes to be made in the body.
Eventually a person will just die from the immune system attacking normal cells that have incorporated the spike into its RNA.
Even if they got rid of all forms of long guns, it would not affect the statistics.
~99% of “mass shootings” use handguns.
Ahh fake set from show “Designated survivor”
Maybe add a little context next time
building the backstory for democrats always winning elections by making up stories about how popular democrats are.
It’s all bullshit