TY Baker!!!
At least her weight is shifted forward.
Whew; yeah. Sheโฆ uhโฆ why are evil chicks attractive?
Why the recent use of Total Recall memes? Just trying to understand frame of reference.
I laughed way too hard at both of these posts.
Carry on.
And God bless justices Thomas and Alito
Dude, if you want to push recall, like I was saying back in fucking October, then use the damn Old School movie poster!
That's perfection, really.
I wonder if anyone kept an extensive list of celebrity visitors to Trump's WH. We already know Adams is linked to Israeli gov't, and also involved in NXIVM. They took Allison Mack down fast, too.
Did Adams meet with Trump before or after NXIVM? Who else visited him? You could probably build a network with faces after a few evenings of digging through visitor logs. As these celebs "drop off" the map, you might get another glimpse into the plan at work.