>told them he say what he thought was a car break-in and fired at two suspects who tried to the flee the scene in a vehicle
more shooting people in the back as they are running away. MURDER. death penalty.
>told them he say what he thought was a car break-in and fired at two suspects who tried to the flee the scene in a vehicle
more shooting people in the back as they are running away. MURDER. death penalty.
they want to be offended. they manufacture reasons for it.
Judge jury and executioner all in one. Disgusting. Against all western philosophy of justice.
Could happen to you or someone you care about one day.
Based on the information given, that cop is a murderer and should be tried fairly and executed
blanking info = FF tweet
>outbreaks of non-typical diseases have been reported around them
Haha they're talking about Lyme.
Free market in action, fun to watch.
It's the only dual citizenship that is allowed to work for the U.S. government in sensitive positions.
Disgusting double standard.
This country has no right to morality.
Lyme links to Covid via some of the ways its treated.
Lyme is a spirochete bacteria (very scary hides in joints), but there seems to be a link via EBV Epstein-Barr Virus (a coronavirus of STD), some unexpected links, is what I was finding
When you see the bullseye, take internal and topical doxycycline immediately. Doxycycline becomes more soluble in water by the addition of Vitamin C.
EBV is a coronavirus. What's your problem. I said it is an STD. Mono.
Maybe blacks just need to stop assaulting and raping people
Asians getting some attention but all the black on white crime still gets no justice
It's still a coronavirus you absolute child.
EBV coronavirus
whether or not the establishment medicine actually categorizes it the same, it is an extremely similar virus. It has the same kind of spikes, overall structure, and mechanisms of infection.
It might help, but my personal sense is that it would be hard to treat once it's embedded in joints. If it was you would know and have very serious ongoing tiredness is my understanding.
The spirochete becomes some other form which is not treatable. Like a little ball. There's a video of it spirochete Lyme, then the flood it with antibiotics, and the spirochete rolled up into a little ball thing and was able to survive.
It's not a hoax. It's more complicated than that.
You don't know what you're talking about.
Horrible problem but I live out of the big city and certainly don't have that problem. At a prestigious college there was roaches though.
You're a childish troll.
>Hydroxychloroquine to treat Lyme Disease
Yes HCL is used to treat Lyme.
Lyme also occurs with EBV.
Ivermectin comes into it too but it's been a while since I did the dig
they murder random whites too.
Many more random whites than asians.
But now we can talk about it because asians. well that's great.