Khazarian Mafia Running Biden Psy-Ops Out Of Switzerland
Benjamin Fulford April 5, 2021 Part 1
The grotesque psychological warfare operation against the American people known as the “Biden presidency” is run out of an underground base in Switzerland, MI6, NSA, FSB, CIA, and other sources agree. The base straddles the borders of Lichenstein, Austria, and Switzerland, allowing entry from any of those three countries, according to a CIA source. However, despite the overwhelmingly dark story of pandemic doom and “foreign enemies,” in the corporate media, the fact the ruling class has been forced to retreat to Switzerland is actually a sign they are losing the war for the planet.
We are getting word that not only the White House is unoccupied, but also Congress, Senate, Supreme Court, Federal Reserve Board, Treasury Department, etc. in Washington DC as well.We are also now hearing from the NSA that state government buildings too are unoccupied. We urge our readers who live in DC and near state government buildings to become citizen reporters and try to confirm if this is true. Certainly, live camera feeds indicate this is the case but, in this day of digital trickery, human eyes are the most reliable source.
In any case, the group that controls the Biden psy-ops is definitely the Rockefeller clan and their Swiss handlers, the sources concur. Last Friday MI6 sent the following message:
“We had confirmation today of the CIA involvement in the counter-coup of the coup that installed Mr. Trump. It appears Hillary Rodham Clinton [Rockefeller] is running the show in the background.”
The NSA for their part says the current Hillary is the sixth one being used. We all remember how during the 2016 presidential campaign Hillary was stuffed into a black van and ABC news subsequently reported her death. However, she appeared 20 pounds lighter and much younger several hours later. Also, the picture below clearly shows the current “Hillary” is much shorter than the original.
Nonetheless, whatever Hillary avatar, body double, or clone they are using; the group known as the Rockefellers are clearly running the Biden horror show.
Their plans were outlined in a March 2020 article in the Rockefeller flagship magazine Foreign Relations that was supposedly written by Joe “green screen” Biden.
What this shows is the group now in charge of U.S. corporate media and the fiat money computers inside the U.S. are planning to take us back in time to the 1980s and the cold war with its easy to identify enemies. Lets’ face it “commies” are easier to rally against than amorphous “terrorists” who keep changing their brand name.
Russian FSB sources, for their part, say a very serious attempt to start World War III was now underway in Ukraine. On Monday, April 5th, Japan time, they sent us this message:
“A couple of hours ago a C-17 military transport aircraft (95-0107) with a certain military cargo arrived directly from the USA (with refueling in Seville, Spain) to Lviv Airport in Western Ukraine.”