The double drums suck. The single drum are okay. I have a few but never use them. I have a Polish 75 round drum for my AKs and that thing is flawless. And Glocks just suck all around. Won't and don't own one.
I am actually a wheel gun guy. I have a couple I can out shoot almost anyone with. I run a .42 second shot from the hip into 8" x 8" targets at 5 meters. I have put somewhere in the range of 150,000 round out the barrel and have layed, safed, plotted and fired howitzers, 105mm, 155mm and 8".
I can guide bullets with my mind. Which would sound really weird to people who haven't shot as much as I have.
I do use a 30 (28 if you absolutely don't want a jam) through my Barretta M9. Just because I hate loading mags out in the sticks.