Anonymous ID: df2c72 April 8, 2021, 7:46 p.m. No.13388230   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8250 >>8253 >>8338

>>13383270 (pb)

>Anons I found this to be a very interesting place to park a yacht overnight. Red Sea has a vessel named SKY that is the only yacht in the area.

Under the sea….

>>13383273 (Pb)

> I have personal friends who have fled to the Middle East just to save their children.

So, they just went home then?


>>13383422 (pb)


>Parasites make complex efforts to fool host communications, to forge host signals, inject false species identity information into network streams to mislead and/or otherwise exploit host dependence on sense percept information. Nature is parsimonious; the same deceptive tactics employed by biological organism in micro and nano environments is used to similar purpose at meso and macro scales.


Smartest thing I've seen posted here in months. Your words are wasted however, they will NEVER ever be able to comprehend. I am of the mind now that many many expectations re truth are NOT going to happen for the simple reason is EVERYONE…literally all sides, you, they, them US, everyone, would be raging erupting in an abject refusal to believe the truth they begged for. The truth won't be for everyone….(Q) should be amended to "the truth won't be for anyone". When I sawy EVERYONE is going to be furious, I mean EVERYONE. The alien believers, the religious, the left, the right, the Trumpers and never Trumpers….each believes that the truth will bear out what they already believe. The only way to tear it all down is to reveal the ENTIRE truth and let the chips fall where they may. Let the people destroy each other and themselves.


It is exhausting watching each group scramble to affirm that THEIR version of the truth and what THEY believe to be true…will be affirmed when (IF??) the truth comes out.


By now, Q Group has to know, they have to know…that there's NO WAY to tell the truth and free the people without literally exploding the world with the rage of the people….I've felt the shift….as they have finally come to realize this. I see/feel/hear the scramble, the confusion, the doubt….the SLOWING of the "expose" the churning…slow walking…slower and slower…..there's NOTHING you can do, surely you realize that NOW…nothing you can do to preserve "the world" and tell the truth.


Merely reading the "comments" on the latest bullshit out of Kikeland re the Yanuka is enough…it IS enough to know….they can never, ever, ever tell the truth. I hope they DO it anyway. I hope they do it…..just DO IT Q….let it all explode into bloody chunks of truth.


Have YOU stopped to consider those things that YOU believe are not true? That when (IF) the truth comes out you may be left standing in oceans of betrayal?


And just like YOU have never considered for a moment that YOUR beliefs are not true, so goes everyone else…that believes in something…just like YOU.

Anonymous ID: df2c72 April 8, 2021, 8:04 p.m. No.13388323   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>13383624 (pb)

>did try to red pill her, but she has a trip scheduled to italy, greece and croatia

Stupid twat. Italy is in a severe lockdown that is UNLIKELY to change anytime soon. Muh srsly don't waste a second thinking about people this stupid.


Separating the wheat from the's BIBLICAL. Let it fucking GO. If people insist on the vaccine for whatever reasons that's on THEM. People still use FB despite KNOWING it's a control mechanism and mouthpiece for evil. Many of you here, STILL USE FB, still have your money in banks...and are STILL sitting here expecting the truth while living deep in the LIE.


But muh Trump said..yes he did...he also knows that many many of his followers, while well-meaning for the most part, are deeply embedded in their version of what TRUTH is...not truth for truth's sake, only TRUTH that affirms what they already believe. It is NOT Trump's responsibility to "save" people from their own stupid.


We've got TWO choices...either the tests and vaccines are comp'd and people are indeed dying, OR the media narrative is being forced to PLAY OUT the original plan (what was originally intended)...and the vaccines/tests are actually harmless.


Care to gamble?

Anonymous ID: df2c72 April 8, 2021, 8:22 p.m. No.13388396   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8658


I know…I've decided this past week to stop posting here because fake psychics/paytriots have been sniping my shit and either using it or skewing it. There were NO children rescued off that ship in the Suez. ALL the fakes are now using some "literally who" article re navy seals rescuing kids to show their followers "SEE I WAS RIGHT".


I told you why that ship was there….what the real purpose was, that there IS no war or any war coming. (Thanks for letting Russia clean the fuck out of Ukraine)….


Fake ass psychics, (channelers) and PAYtriots banking on their fake ass bullshit feeding FAKE hopium to the mentally deficient.

The comments….I always read the comments in order to gauge possible responses to truth.


Someone in Spain took the kike excitement over this never did a days work in his life and always hides his face as much as possible dude, rides around in a limo and mobbed by "worshipers" everywhere he goes.


Christians think he's the antichrist…and are literally arguing about the tribulation/rapture ….kek….There is NO TRUTH that can heal these fractured minds….it will only fracture them further.

Anonymous ID: df2c72 April 8, 2021, 8:41 p.m. No.13388470   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I am convinced that not one thing I believe is true but because of my nature my mind forces me to believe things.

I have been trying to prepare people…quietly….to just let go…stand in the middle of this 12 lane highway with timelines whizzing by in both directions…sometimes colliding and shifiting, sometimes correcting and most of the time only confounding things.


I had thought that there were MANY more people ready to accept truth for what it is, I believed that…I was wrong. I have moved into a space of consciousness which is observation-based. Even though I understand the programming I thought for sure that people here would be doing better because even though Q "played" up the GOD WINS stuff,Q never defined "god" and assumptions were made….and are still being made that "team god as THEY believe" is winning and that is horrifying.


That version of "god" has never ever won anything without killing everyone in a fit of muh creations don't love me enough so I'm gonna kill them all….even though god, being god (this version) who sees/knows all has always known he was creating nothing but suffering and misery as he's always known the outcome…which pretty much makes this version of God an absolute asshole.


OTOH I'm willing to accept that this version of "god" will need to kill everyone just like every other time….just to cleanse the earth of the chaff. That COULD be Q's message…and the reason they used that phrase knowing that certain sectors would immediately start parading about in egoistic bloat knowing they're going to "win".


People should believe whatever they want….but there's a reason the bible describes believers as sheep. "All we, LIKE SHEEP…" and states quite clearly that without a shepherd they will be unable to function. Perhaps Isaiah knew something about human nature….that humans have not yet sorted?


There is literally MOUNTAINS of evidence that almost everything you SEE right now from the inauguration on down was fake af. LOOK how many people, despite the CLEAR evidence, continue to beLIEve that Biden is president?


JAYSUS the wailing and knashing of teeth here on inauguration day was mind exploding. ALL you had to do was LOOK….this showed me how powerful the programming is. Despite being able SEE the clues if you were able to bypass the mental messaging, almost no one did. I think Q was expecting more from us….or maybe I'm projecting MY expectation onto them and Q always knew that only very few would see.


NOTHING we're seeing is real. The only real question is which team is gaslighting us…and deciding that means choosing a beLIEf and I am unwilling to do that. We were all..(meaning ALL people everywhere) given the exact same opportunity to OBSERVE and make a note….but NOPE…instead of saying…hey…wait…wut? people started kvetching in abject joy or abject misery….and here I sit, stuck in the middle..I admit to being furious thinking it was unfair to do this to the "simple" people who are basically good-hearted…but the TRUTH is our undoing, OUR, all of us…so when I calmed down I understood.


The clues were there for ALL of us, every single person on earth could see…and yet very very few people could turn off the program long enough to wonder what it all means. Instead they continued to reach to find reasons to affirm what the talking box was telling them was true…because if THIS isn't true then nearly everything else is also a lie…and that my friends….is why people who were meant to SEE….have shut down….I guess now that "trump is gone" the news is no longer fake.


I think it is THIS thing…this one verifiable truth that has slowed things…as they regroup and try to decide….how to tell the truth without literally destroying the world.

Anonymous ID: df2c72 April 8, 2021, 8:50 p.m. No.13388523   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8539


>One thing I have learned in life is to keep an open mind.

An open mind…I remember that quote…a parachute and a mind both work better when they're OPEN….tell me, honestly, how many "christians" are OPEN to the possibility that what they believe isn't true? Muslims? Jews? When are christians going to be forced to face what their unquestioning beLIEf has done to the world? that their beliefs in muh chosen has literally enforced and funded genocide around the world? That WWI and WWII is THEIR fault, almost exclusively?


My answer is this…they will NEVER take responsibility for that. Ever. And because of this…there is NO WAY truth will ever be revealed….I used to think it would be..and everyone would be happy to finally be freed from the fear-based belief sets…of the "Ori"….but as I've studied around these past two weeks and reading 'the comments" ….I cannot see any situation by which the "sides" become "unified"…which then makes a cleansing not only necessary but imminent.

Anonymous ID: df2c72 April 8, 2021, 9:01 p.m. No.13388592   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8658


>Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth.





Then Q swerves your attention RIGHT back to da cheeldrens….have any of you ever, EVER stopped to wonder why your attention is continually put on da cheeeldrens and space? Why are you all so reliable when it comes to looking DIRECTLY where you've been aimed?


Crimes against children and child/human trafficking is literally NOTHING new. People have been trafficked for one purpose or another since the beginning of time. So…why is Q aiming you where they want to keep you busy? There are more NON-elite traffickers and abusers of both adults and children than there are rich elites…why has Q fed the THEY meme instead of the truth…ALL of US? I have a few ideas…..but no worries muh overlords…I'm about to tap out again.


Just fucking DO IT. Let them literally fight each other to the death. They've been doing it for centuries…muh god, muh belief, my precious…look at the stupid shit they beLIEve…muh illuminati, muh bloodlines, muh religion….every single thing designed to keep them buried under layers of lies….because the TRUTH does indeed mean freedom and being enslaved to LIES serves the parasites that rule us.


Keep in mind…they can't take you without your permission…but there's NO rule about lying to get it. I rather think the "rapture" will look more like vid related….How many religions actually have caveats re lying?

Anonymous ID: df2c72 April 8, 2021, 9:05 p.m. No.13388622   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8632 >>8658


KEK…I sincerely feel sorry for you. Denial is strong in this one.


FACT: without the BLIND support of Christians (mostly in the US) there would have been no World Wars….there would have been NO genocides, there would be NO communism. It's not the banker's fault you blindly fell for the chosen meme. Even now….muh iszrael, muh rapture, muh jeebus….is literally the driver of evil…without YOUR support they would have already failed.