Yep, and those digits are gonna be wasted.
Have you not noticed that all Bidan's picks have nasty little secrets and and ties to lots of bad shit that anons have been exposing for decades?
What could it signify?
What happens if you don't pay your property taxes?
Does allodial title exist?
Only if you insist.
>bout time a baker try to rein in the kitchen sink approach
Shit, I've been doing that months, calling out the faggotry and bullshit until I could stand it no more and finally agreed to note take for a gerbil bread recently.
I was pleased with the compact bun that accompanied that one.
I confess that I couldn't help but sing that with a blues tune as I read it.
Mouth's too big for the face, but that's AOC, so what can ya do?
Sounds similar to me, but I'm half Brit and the other half lap dancer.