Anonymous ID: 0c9d32 May 8, 2018, 12:31 p.m. No.1339596   🗄️.is 🔗kun


And get this.

Anons are paid trolls, according to the good dr. I slip in to watch and see on and off but I don't feed the beast. "I'm used to the abuse." Youtube commenters are not abuse. Not even close. If that' constitutes abuse in anyone's life….they need to check themselves because many ppl have actual fuckin' problems like not enough food, no roof over their heads, kids name it. Abuse my fuckin' ass.

I'd suggest any patriots donating to these people consider dropping off sandwiches to homeless or something. It'll do more good and make you feel a lot better.


No animocity toward anyone, but I'm with Q and POTUS.

Anyone else is easily tossed and disregarded if they go against POTUS, so long as he keeps up the stellar job.

Where we go one, we go all. Bitches. <3nohomo