Here they take the standard prepackaged mask suspend it over a pot of steaming water and the embedded worms come to life, all they need is heat and moisture. which is exactly what happens when you wear a mask all day
Here they take the standard prepackaged mask suspend it over a pot of steaming water and the embedded worms come to life, all they need is heat and moisture. which is exactly what happens when you wear a mask all day
watch again, about 1:40 you can see em pretty good. they start wiggling around, just look for the black things amidst the droplets
Biden's White House virtual tour featured photos on the walls. one spkt had all Trump photos in a wood paneled area. remember this is supposedly Biden's white house, you know they would have removed any and all Trump photos.
then The day after Easter that picture came out from MaraLago
I should have said Trump photos and Highlights from his Presidency