Anonymous ID: e47870 April 9, 2021, 10:51 a.m. No.13391830   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2305

‘Cooperative’ US military detainee became IS leader after release, documents reveal


The terrorist who now leads Islamic State was once a prisoner of the US military and provided his captors with extensive intelligence before being let go,declassified reports show.


Abu Ibrahim al-Hashemi al-Qurashi was appointed head of the so-called caliphate in October 2019, following the death of the terror group’s previous leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, in a US raid in Syria.


Far from being a shadowy mystery, al-Qurashi is well-known to US counterterrorism officials – because he was once a prisoner of US-led coalition forces operating in Iraq.


Amir Muhammad Sa’id Abdal Rahman al-Mawla – his given name – was captured in late 2007 or early 2008 and subjected to dozens of interrogations by US military officials. At the time he was a mid-level official within the Islamic State of Iraq, which later became Islamic State (IS, formerly known as ISIS).


While the US military had previously disclosed that al-Mawla had been a detainee, a tranche of recently released interrogation reports shed new light on his time in US custody.


The documents show the Iraqi man as eager to provide information to his captors.


“Detainee seems to be more cooperative with every session,” one of the reports read, referring to al-Mawla, adding that he was “providing a lot of information” about his associates in the terror group.


He seemed particularly willing to divulge details about his rivals in the organizations. For example, he drew maps of the compound used by Islamic State’s second-in-command, and also provided the name of the terrorist’s personal courier. US forces later killed the senior IS commander in a raid in the Iraqi city of Mosul in 2008.


Al-Mawla also divulged the location of the secret headquarters of the terror groups’ media wing, and assisted with artists’ sketches of high-priority suspects. He even identified restaurants that his fellow IS members frequented.


It’s not clear when the future IS leader was released from custody, but the last interrogation reports mentioning him are dated July 2008. By then Mawla had stopped being cooperative, and documents from the time suggest that he had been led to believe that he would be rewarded for helping his captors.


Like his predecessor, al-Qurashi has been hard to track down. Unconfirmed reports emerged last year that he had been nabbed by Iraqi intelligence officers, but it appears that the high-value target is still on the run.

Anonymous ID: e47870 April 9, 2021, 10:53 a.m. No.13391838   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2305

TikTok Ads Advise Illegal Aliens and Criminals How to Game American Systems


TikTok and its official Chinese counterpart Douyin amassed over 2 billion downloads and penetrated one-third of all social media users on this planet in less than four short years.


100 Percent Fed Up – It is fair to say, then, that TikTok is one of the largest social media platforms in the world. Despite some useful content, it consists primarily of mind-numbing short-form user videos that make one’s intellect jump out of their ears and beg for a more viable host. TikTok has also pledged its allegiance to socialism and the Chinese Communist Party. In fact, it is an integral part of a large and growing web of information warfare by the CCP to brainwash the globe in anti-Western ideologies and mind-numbing stupidity and excess. It is also a vast data-collection service for the CCP as well. That is largely why Trump sought to ban it or buy it out to make it fall in line with American values and laws.


Because President Trump was unsuccessful in this endeavor, TikTok has continued its march dismantling American society, culture, and rule of law. They do this by not only promoting illegal immigration all over the platform, but actually hosting ads that advise illegals and criminals on how to cheat and game American systems, get whatever they want, and never leave.


The National Pulse Reports:


“As a report from the outlet Mother Jones notes, “many of the advertisements seem to target undocumented Latin American immigrants with strong ties to the United States and few to no existing options for obtaining legal status.”


In fact, the Mother Jones article is title says “Flashy ads promise easy visas and green cards. There’s a reason they seem too good to be true.” Even the radically far-left Mother Jones is acknowledging this outrageous practice and perhaps some of its dubious promises.


“In other words, “immigrants who enter the country illegally, overstay a visa, or have certain criminal convictions or prior deportation orders” are the “population that the TikTok ads primarily target.”


Mother Jones explains the format of the ads, often using a hashtag “fix without leaving,”:


The TikTok posts usually follow a simple formula: With a mariachi song or reggaeton beat playing in the background, the lawyer dances and flashes work permits, while pop-up boxes urge the viewer to schedule a legal consultation. They also often carry the hashtag #arreglarsinsalir, or “fix without leaving,” implying that viewers can obtain legal status without having to go to an embassy or consulate abroad. The hashtag has topped 1 million views.

Anonymous ID: e47870 April 9, 2021, 10:54 a.m. No.13391848   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2305

Biden To Boost Already Bloated Pentagon Budget With Proposed $715 Billion


Despite progressive lawmakers in his own party long demanding a serious reduction in the Pentagon's notoriously bloated budget, President Biden on Friday is expected to request a whopping $715 billion for the Pentagon for fiscal year 2022.


This is a slight increase from the prior year as Politico noted late Thursday in reporting the news: the Pentagon budget topline to be presented to lawmakers represents "a roughly 1.5% increase in defense spending from the current year's [$704 billion] level, making it effectively an inflation-adjusted budget boost."


However, it's a slight decrease from what Trump had reportedly planned to propose for this next fiscal year, which was $722 billion.


According to Bloomberg Government:


A $715 billion discretionary top-line would amount to a decrease of about 0.4% in real terms, adjusting for inflation from this year’s enacted appropriations of about $704 billion. That’s in contrast to a push for 3% to 5% real annual increases in national security spending endorsed by then-Defense Secretary James Mattis in 2017.


As for the aforementioned progressive pushback, they are pointing to the astounding waste that in the reality has little to do with defending the American people, but more to do with handing out huge contracts and fattening up the military-industrial complex.


A statement from the public interest advocate Public Citizen said it best in calling out Biden's Pentagon budget as a "tribute to the power of the military-industrial complex."


"There are hundreds of billions of dollars to be saved by appropriate cuts to the Pentagon budget," Weissman added. "What is most important for the FY22 budget is that it be smaller than FY21, in order to signal that we are finally moving in the right direction and shifting resources from the Pentagon to investments in people."

Anonymous ID: e47870 April 9, 2021, 10:55 a.m. No.13391856   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2305

Johnson & Johnson’s Covid-19 vaccine under investigation in EU over potential link to ‘unusual’ blood clots


The European Union’s drug regulator EMA says it will assess Johnson & Johnson’s Covid-19 Vaccine Janssen after “four serious cases of unusual blood clots” occurred in people who received the jab in the US.


The statement from EMA’s Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee says one case occurred in a clinical trial and three others during the vaccine rollout in the US. One of the cases was fatal.


Covid-19 vaccine Janssen is currently only used in the USA but the rollout in the EU is expected within the next few weeks. The EMA authorised the jab for use in the EU in March. The agency says the cases are being investigated and currently it’s not clear whether the incidents of blood clots are connected to the vaccinations.


Earlier this week the EMA published a review of AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 Vaxzevria vaccine, announcing that ‘unusual’ blood clots were ‘very rare side effects’ of the jab. Several EU countries suspended the use of the vaccine. The EMA said that 18 people had died of blood clots after receiving the Anglo-Swedish vaccine.

Anonymous ID: e47870 April 9, 2021, 10:57 a.m. No.13391873   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1911 >>1928 >>1936 >>2305 >>2347 >>2363 >>2424

Living Large: Marxist Founder of Black Lives Matter Buys Million Dollar Home Near Beverly Hills


Patrisse Cullors, the co-founder of Black Lives Matter proudly admitted in June 2020 she is a radical, anti-white Marxist.


“We actually do have an ideological frame,” Cullors said. “Myself and Alicia are particularly trained organizers — we are trained Marxists. We are super versed on ideological theories…”


Black Lives Matter is seeking to transform America by defunding the police, dismantling capitalism, ‘destroying the patriarchy,’ breaking down the nuclear family unit, emptying prisons, redistributing wealth in the form of reparations among other far-left objectives.


Black Lives Matter and Antifa rioters have destroyed small businesses, targeted churches and razed buildings to the ground.


Their goal is to bring chaos where there is order, fan the flames of class warfare and demonize Christians and conservatives.


Black Lives Matter-Antifa mobs caused over one billion dollars in damages in cities across America since May. In Minneapolis alone Black Lives Matter mobs damaged or destroyed over 1,500 businesses or buildings.


Over 700 police officers were injured in the BLM riots — and that was back in June!


Black Lives Matter was linked to conservatively 91% of the riots that resulted in the most expensive property damage in US insurance history.


But being a Marxist has its perks for those on top.


According to The Dirt Patrisse Khan-Cullors just purchased a million dollar secluded compound in Topanga Canyon near Malibu and Beverly Hills.


Via The Dirt:


A secluded mini-compound tucked into L.A.’s rustic and semi-remote Topanga Canyon was recently sold for a tad more than $1.4 million to a corporate entity that public records show is controlled by Patrisse Khan-Cullors, 37-year-old social justice visionary and co-founder of the galvanizing and, for some, controversial Black Lives Matter movement.

Anonymous ID: e47870 April 9, 2021, 10:59 a.m. No.13391875   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2305

Arizona’s Legislature Passes Law Against Democrats’ ‘Corrupt Politician’s Act (HR1)’ – “Shut Up, Sit Down and Keep Your Hands Off Our Elections”


Arizona standing up to DC Democrats’ attempt to corrupt elections from now for a thousand years.


Breitbart reported yesterday:


The Arizona State Legislature passed a resolution on Tuesday vowing defiance of HR 1, the effort by Democrats to nationalize the administration of elections described by its opponents as “The Corrupt Politicians Act.”


The Democrat-controlled U.S. House of Representatives passed the bill on March 3 in a straight party line vote, 220 to 210, and it is currently under consideration in the U.S. Senate.


“[T]he Members of the Legislature oppose H.R. 1 and any subsequent enactment of the terms of this proposal and implore the Members of the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate to oppose the same,” the Arizona State Legislature’s concurrent resolution declares. (emphasis added)


The Arizona State Senate passed House Concurrent Resolution (HCR) 2023 late Tuesday, also in a straight party line vote, 16 to 14, one month after the Arizona House of Representatives passed the resolution in another straight party line vote, 31 to 29.


We’ve reported on HR1 – the first bill proposed by the Democrats after they stole the 2020 Election for President. This bill is the most disgusting piece of legislature ever. It’s doubtful if it can even be constitutional.


Every state should pass a similar law to stop the Obama/Biden Democrats from making the US a communist nation.

Anonymous ID: e47870 April 9, 2021, 11 a.m. No.13391882   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2305

Duke of Edinburgh, husband of Queen Elizabeth, dies at 99


Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh and husband of reigning British monarch Queen Elizabeth II, has died at the age of 99. Buckingham Palace confirmed his death on April 9.


“It is with deep sorrow that Her Majesty The Queen has announced the death of her beloved husband, His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. His Royal Highness passed away peacefully this morning at Windsor Castle,” the statement read. The Duke was married to the Queen for over 70 years, and was the longest-serving consort in British history.


Prince Philip was admitted to hospital on February 16, after feeling unwell, but was released a month later, having undergone a successful procedure for a pre-existing heart condition.


The son of Prince Andrew of Greece and Denmark and Princess Alice, Philip was born on the Greek island of Corfu in 1921, but primarily raised in Britain.


He renounced his right to the Greek and Danish thrones in 1947 and took his mother's surname, Mountbatten. Philip married Elizabeth Windsor, a distant cousin, later that year – five years before her ascension to the British throne in 1952.


He became father to Prince Charles and grandfather to Prince Harry and Prince William. He was also father to Princess Anne and Princes Andrew and Edward.


The young Philip had a turbulent early life. His parents separated while the Duke was still a boy, and Princess Alice was diagnosed with schizophrenia and committed to an asylum in the late 1920s. As a child, Philip moved from Greece to France, to Britain, and then to Germany for his education, returning to the UK in the mid-1930s amid the rise of Nazism in Germany.


His biographers describe his time in Britain as calm, though tragedy struck the young royal in 1937 when his sister, Cecile, and her German husband, along with their family, were killed in a plane crash at Ostend.


A colorful character, Prince Philip’s forthright manner, political incorrectness, conservative political views and frequent public gaffes came to be a source of considerable embarrassment for the monarchy.


Among his many blunders, Philip once asked British expats in Dubai if they were "running away from something" and told the President of Nigeria, who was wearing national traditional dress, that he looked like he was "ready for bed.” In 1998, he told a cash-strapped student to consider living in a hostel to “save cash.”


“If you stay here much longer, you’ll go home with slitty eyes,” he told a British student studying in China in 1986. He also referred to places as near and far as Stoke-on-Trent and Beijing as "ghastly."

Anonymous ID: e47870 April 9, 2021, 11:03 a.m. No.13391895   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2305

16,000 fake review accounts shut down by Facebook after UK competition watchdog intervenes


Facebook has removed 16,000 accounts linked to Facebook groups and Instagram profiles, after the UK’s Competitions and Markets Authority (CMA) intervened, holding the company to a pledge to take action against fraudulent activity.


Announcing the situation on Friday, the CMA declared that the accounts linked to groups behind “fake and misleading reviews” were removed, with Facebook agreeing to make further changes to its existing systems that identify, prevent, and remove fraudulent content on its platform.


Following our intervention, Facebook has removed over 16,000 groups that were dealing in fake and misleading reviews. It has also made changes to its systems to better identify, remove and prevent this content from reappearing.Find out more:

— Competition & Markets Authority (@CMAgovUK) April 9, 2021


“Millions of us read reviews to enable us to make informed choices when we shop around. That’s why fake and misleading reviews are so damaging,” the CMA’s chief executive, Andrea Coscelli, said.


Facebook has a duty to do all it can to stop the trading of such content on its platforms.


Facebook acknowledged that the accounts had been removed, stating that it had “engaged extensively with the CMA to address this issue,” and making clear that “fraudulent and deceptive activity is not allowed on our platforms.”


The removal of the users behind the fake content came after the CMA intervened a second time, following commitments from Facebook in January 2020 and May 2020 to address problematic activity such as this on its platforms.


Facebook has declared it will permanently ban users who “promote, encourage, or facilitate fake and misleading reviews,” bolster its automated detection process, and alter its search feature to make it harder to find false reviews.


The CMA warned that, despite the pledge from the social media company, the competition watchdog would “keep a close eye” on all elements of its business to ensure it was honoring its commitment.

Anonymous ID: e47870 April 9, 2021, 11:04 a.m. No.13391901   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2305

After Questioning The Constitution's Absolutism, Biden Creates Commission To Study Supreme 'Court-Packing'


Having refused to answer the question of whether a Biden administration would expand the Supreme Court (so-called 'court-packing') in mid-October, "we, the people" are perhaps closer to knowing the answer as to what happens next to the nation.


As a reminder, when presidential candidate Joe Biden was asked by a reporter "will you stack the courts?" - he replied that voters "don't deserve" to know his stance until after the election…


Asked if voters deserve to know if he would pack the Supreme Court, Biden says “No, they don’t deserve” to.

— Arthur Schwartz (@ArthurSchwartz) October 10, 2020


But now, as The New York Times reports, The White House is taking action after progressives pushed to add seats to the court to balance the conservative stamp put on it by President Trump.


“There’s growing recognition that the Supreme Court poses a danger to the health and well-being of the nation and even to democracy itself,” said Aaron Belkin, director of the group Take Back the Court.


“A White House judicial reform commission has a historic opportunity to explain the gravity of the threat and to help contain it by urging Congress to add seats, which is the only way to restore balance to the court.”


President Biden on Friday will order a 180-day study of adding seats to the Supreme Court, making good on a campaign-year promise to establish a bipartisan commission to examine the potentially explosive subjects of expanding the court or setting term limits for justices, White House officials said.

Anonymous ID: e47870 April 9, 2021, 11:09 a.m. No.13391926   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2305

NYT Journalist Erases ENTIRE Twitter After National Pulse Unearths Posts Admitting ‘Working’ For The Chinese Communist Party.


New York Times Director of Cinematography and visual journalist erased his entire Twitter history following a National Pulse exposé that unearthed posts where he admitted to “working” for the Chinese Communist Party.


Kessel, a former creative director at the state-run outlet China Daily and freelancer with clients including China’s Ministry of Information, also insisted working for the communist “regime” had its benefits.


Kessel’s verified account now displays “0 tweets.” As of late 2020, Kessel had over 23,000 posts on the platform.


Among the now-deleted tweets, which have been archived by The National Pulse, are posts where Kessel describes himself as “psyched” to redesign China Daily.


While working for China Daily, Kessel tweeted several times about he was “working for” and “getting paid” by the Chinese Communist Party.


“Sometimes working for the PRC has its benefits :),” he tweeted in July 2010.


And in November 2009 he tweeted “you know you work for the PRC when the first word that comes to your mind when asked to describe your work place is ‘harmonious.’


Kessel also praised China’s “National Day” holiday, which commemorates the Chinese Communist Party takeover of the country, as “VERY COOL.”

Anonymous ID: e47870 April 9, 2021, 11:10 a.m. No.13391932   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2305

Iowa Troopers Arrest BLM Activist as Group Rallies Against Bills Increasing Protest-Related Penalties


A Black Lives Matter activist was taken into custody inside the Iowa State Capitol on Thursday after protesters stormed the building to urge lawmakers to reject legislation they oppose.


Police arrested 18-year-old Josephine Mulvihill, a high school student of Des Moines, and charged her with assaulting a police officer, according to a tweet posted by journalist Andy Ngô.


In a criminal complaint obtained by the Des Moines Register, the officer who arrested Mulvihill, identified as Iowa State Patrol Trooper Dylan Hernandez, said she pushed his arm in order to get his attention after trying to obtain the names and badge numbers of him and a fellow trooper.


A flyer that was posted by Black Lives Matter in order to invite activists to the protest and reject at least four proposals was posted on Twitter, claiming the state is passing “racist and dangerous bills.”


Dozens of activists gathered at the government building to oppose the bills that include Senate File 476, which passed the state Senate in March and now sits in the House. The bill is intended to strengthen “qualified immunity” for law enforcement officers.


The second legislation the activists rallied against is Senate File 534, which seeks to raise penalties for protest-related crimes, as well as give immunity to the driver of a vehicle, “who is exercising due care,” and accidentally hits a protester or rioter blocking the traffic on a public street or is unlawfully assembling.


Other bills opposed by the activists are House File 802, which will limit diversity and inclusion lessons that teach “divisive concepts” such as that Iowa is “fundamentally or systematically racist or sexist,” as well as Senate File 479, which seeks to withhold state funds from cities that defund police budgets.


In the video posted on Twitter by Ngô, the protesters are heard shouting popular slogans by Marxist groups like “no police” before Trooper Hernandez forces Mulvihill to the ground and arrests her.


Troopers are then seen clashing with the activists as Mulvihill is getting escorted out of the building before being put into the passenger seat of a police vehicle.


Angelina Ramirez, who co-organized the April 8 event named “Advocates for Social Justice,” claims state lawmakers passing these bills don’t care about Iowans of color.


She told Iowa Public Radio, “I’m telling you from firsthand exposure to the legislators that are passing these bills—they won’t care about their Black and brown constituents unless they’re forced to. Unless they’re pressured to.”

Anonymous ID: e47870 April 9, 2021, 11:13 a.m. No.13391948   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1952 >>2288 >>2305

Levi Strauss CEO Bergh: ‘When it Comes to Gun Control, Gun Violence Is Ripping This Country Apart’


President and CEO of Levi Strauss & Co. Chip Bergh said Friday on CNN’s “Newsroom” that his company is advocating for so-called gun control because “gun violence is ripping this country apart.”


Bergh said, “I’ve been a CEO now for about ten years. I can tell you that over that 10-year period of time, the role has changed dramatically. You know, the business roundtable, talk about stakeholder management and ensuring that we’re driving value for all stakeholders. I have a large employee base globally. I’ve got communities where we work and serve the communities. So we’ve got a broad range of stakeholders. I really do believe, especially at Levi’s, that I have a platform. We’re committed to making change. This company has been around for 180 years. A big part of the reason I believe we’ve been around for 180 years is we’ve not been afraid to take a position on issues that are really, really important and not been afraid to stick our neck out on these tough issues.”


He continued, “When it comes to gun control, gun violence is ripping this country apart. It’s almost every single day you’re hearing about another incident. So this is important to us as a country. I serve the U.S. Army. We’re not trying to repeal the Second Amendment. We’re just calling for legislation that will make our world a safer place.”

Anonymous ID: e47870 April 9, 2021, 11:14 a.m. No.13391956   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2305

PolitiFact: Joe Biden’s Gun Claims ‘Mostly False’


FACT CHECK: Joe Biden Falsely Claims Gun Makers Have ‘Legal Immunity’

Anonymous ID: e47870 April 9, 2021, 11:18 a.m. No.13391967   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2305

GOP Senator Presses Biden Nominee Over Investment In Company That Makes Chemical Used By Mexican Drug Cartels


Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley is pressing Vanita Gupta, the nominee for the number three position at the Justice Department, over millions of dollars in stock holdings she has in a chemical company that makes a key ingredient that Mexican drug cartels use to make heroin.


Gupta holds between $11 million and $55 million in shares of Avantor, a Pennsylvania-based chemical company, according to financial disclosures she has filed with the Office of Government Ethics.


Gupta’s father, Raj Gupta, serves as chairman of the board of Avantor.


Gupta is the wealthiest political nominee that President Joe Biden has picked while in office, according to ABC News. Gupta, who led the Justice Department’s civil rights office during the Obama administration, disclosed between $42 million and $187 million in total assets on her latest financial disclosure.


Bloomberg News reported in August 2020 that Avantor is one of a handful of U.S. companies that make acetic anhydride, a chemical agent that Mexican cartels use to make heroin.


Avantor until recently sold the chemical legally to laboratories in Mexico. Heroin manufacturers have reportedly snapped up the agent to make the drug. Bloomberg reported in September that Avantor stopped sales of the chemical in September as Mexican authorities prepared to open an investigation into the transactions.


In a questionnaire obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation, Grassley asked Gupta about her past comments supporting the decriminalization of drugs and whether she should recuse herself from any working on any drug enforcement issues if she is confirmed to the Justice Department post.


Grassley, who is the top Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, asserted in his questionnaire to Gupta that decriminalization of drugs like heroin would increase demand for chemical precursors like the one manufactured by Avantor.


Grassley also asked Gupta whether she will commit to not taking any role in enforcing federal drug laws if confirmed to the Justice Department and whether she will “agree to make no further advocacy statements regarding illegal drugs.”

Anonymous ID: e47870 April 9, 2021, 11:20 a.m. No.13391977   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2305

Mexican Cartels Control the U.S. Border, Says Rep. Chip Roy


The ongoing immigration crisis is caused by Mexican cartels and the federal government is turning a blind eye, Texas Congressman Chip Roy argues.


“The most important thing for the American people to understand is that cartels control the border,” Congressman Roy said. “This administration is allowing it to happen, they are doing it in the name of illegal immigrants and is not compassionate to be forcing people to have to go through the chains of cartels to come to the United States.”


Breitbart Texas spoke with Congressman Roy during a series of border trips where he has been trying to learn from agents on the ground and, at times, migrants themselves about the realities of the immigration crisis. According to Roy, bad policy decisions followed by poor messaging from the Biden Administration triggered the latest surge. The Gulf Cartel and the Cartel Del Noreste faction of Los Zetas have operational control of the border in their respective territories and are profiting since nothing crosses without their permission.


One of the most shocking revelations is that the vast majority of migrants who reach the Texas border have suffered through threats, extortion, abuse, kidnappings, rapes, and other types of horrors at the hands of cartels, he said.


“It’s horrific,” Roy said. “I understand people that want their children to have an opportunity in the United States–I mean who wouldn’t–I get it. But let’s also keep in mind what we are doing to our neighbors to the south.”


The current path is increasing the power of cartels in Mexico who are profiting immensely, while the country’s government is getting weaker, Roy said adding that the crisis is causing a labor and brain drain in Central America.


“We should be working to have a strong Western Hemisphere, where we have strong countries and neighbors to the south,” Roy said. “We should be improving the conditions of countries to the south by working with them rather than empowering cartels.”

Anonymous ID: e47870 April 9, 2021, 11:20 a.m. No.13391985   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2305

Recently Captured Gulf Cartel Boss Was a Mexican Border City Cop


MATAMOROS, Tamaulipas – The recent capture of a top leader within the Gulf Cartel sparked controversy after a collection of documents revealed he was either a current or a former local police officer. The revelation has led to finger-pointing weeks before Mexico’s federal elections this coming summer.


This week, Breitbart Texas broke the story and published an exclusive photograph of Evaristo “Vaquero” Cruz Sanchez’s after his arrest in Nuevo Leon. Vaquero was the elusive leader of the Matamoros faction of the Gulf Cartel. Breitbart Texas also published information provided from U.S. law enforcement sources that revealed officials targeted Vaquero for his role in using cartel funds to finance political campaigns. Authorities also arrested Raul Cantu de La Garza, a candidate with the Movimiento Ciudadano Party, in Nuevo Leon. Authorities also detained a drug lord tied to Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion named Santiago “El Chago” Villarreal. It remains unclear if authorities released him or if he was able to bribe his way to freedom.


In the aftermath, news outlets in Mexico published documents revealing that El Vaquero was a police officer in Matamoros. Outlets reported that Vaquero was hired by current Matamoros Mayor Mario “La Borrega” Lopez, who hails from the MORENA party, the one founded by Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.


In response to the documents, the City of Matamoros held a news conference and released a statement noting that El Vaquero was in fact a police officer but had been hired during the previous administration of Jesus de la Garza Dias del Guante from the Revolutionary Institutional Party (PRI). According to the statement, Vaquero did not work as a cop under the current administration.

Anonymous ID: e47870 April 9, 2021, 11:25 a.m. No.13392008   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2305

Investigation: State Lawmakers Run Up Taxpayer-Funded Gas Cards After Record Tax Hike


SACRAMENTO ( — On the same day the California Legislature passed the largest gas-tax increase in state history, CBS2’s David Goldstein found 11 charges for more than $400 in gasoline on state-issued credit cards assigned to both the Senate and the Assembly.


It’s part of tens of thousands of dollars in gas charges we uncovered, but who’s using the cards? The Legislature doesn’t want us to know.


“It would be funny if it isn’t so painful,” said Kris Vosburgh with the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, which fights for taxpayer rights. “They are raising the gasoline tax 46 percent; they’re raising the car tax.


“Yet these folks don’t want to divulge how much it is that they’re spending on the free gasoline they get.”


Gov. Jerry Brown’s gas tax would fix California’s roads and add 12 cents a gallon to the state gas tax.


More than 80 lawmakers narrowly approved the bill in April, so we wanted to find out how much the Legislature spends on gas paid for by taxpayers.


Goldstein requested monthly statements from state-issued gas credit cards assigned to the Legislature. These are the cards not only used to fill up vehicles used by lawmakers while on business in Sacramento, but other people who work in the Senate and Assembly.


Checking how public officials spend taxpayer dollars is something we do all the time, but this time the credit-card statements have more information redacted than is being revealed, and the names of people using the cards have been blacked out.

Anonymous ID: e47870 April 9, 2021, 11:28 a.m. No.13392020   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2305

Police use water cannons in Belfast as nineteen more officers are injured after youths hurled petrol bombs on seventh night of violence in 'worst riots in years'


Violence flared up in Belfast again on Thursday night as youths hurled petrol bombs at police officers

Riot police on the republican side of the divided city were pelted with projectiles

Stones and fireworks were thrown at police by gangs of youths gathered on the nationalist Springfield Road

It comes after Unionist thugs hijacked and firebombed a bus during the riots last night

Northern Ireland Secretary Brandon Lewis is flying in to speak to Arlene Foster and Michelle O'Neill

The PSNI said on Thursday 55 of its officers had been injured across several nights of disorder in the countryViolence exploded on the streets on the Belfast again last night, forcing police to use a water cannon - as 19 more officers were injured.


It brought the huge numbers of officers hurt in a week of unrest across Northern Ireland to a total of 74.


Parts of the violence focused on gates which separates nationalist and loyalist areas in west Belfast.Stones, fireworks and bombs were hurled at police in the seventh running night of violence.


Assistant Chief Constable Jonathan Roberts said 'There was sustained violence directed towards police officers on both sides of the interface over a period of hours.


'Two nights ago the disorder was spontaneous, we did not anticipate that such large crowds on both sides of the interface would turn out and would seek to attack each other and to attack police so other tactics such as water cannon were not so readily available,' he told the BBC's Stephen Nolan Show.


'The water cannon is a lesser option, it poses less risk, it is a lesser use of force. Last night then it was our preferred option in the interests of protecting those who engage in disorder. It did not become necessary then to move to the use of AEP.'


Despite cross-party pleas from politicians to stay away, around 100 rioters descended on the area last night and were met with heavily-clad officers with shields and dogs.


They were warned repeatedly they would be targeted with the water cannon if they did not disperse, which most did after the police vehicle started spraying.


Justice Minister Naomi Long tweeted: 'More attacks on police, this time from nationalist youths. Utterly reckless and depressing to see more violence at interface areas tonight.


'My heart goes out to those living in the area who are living with this fear and disturbance. This needs to stop now before lives are lost.'


British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and even Joe Biden's White House joined calls appealing to the protesters to end the violence, which has involved children as young as 13, purportedly encouraged by their parents.



Anonymous ID: e47870 April 9, 2021, 11:31 a.m. No.13392032   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2305

Hordes Of Demoralized Police Officers Are Quitting Their Jobs, And America’s Streets Are Less Safe As A Result


The United States has never faced a more severe law enforcement crisis than it is facing right now. All over the nation, police officers are quitting in droves, and many of those jobs are going unfilled because of the difficulty in recruiting new applicants. Since the death of George Floyd, police officers have been relentlessly demonized by the corporate media, police budgets have been dramatically slashed in major cities all across the country, and many prominent politicians have publicly expressed disdain for their local law enforcement authorities. In such an environment, serving the community as a police officer is not an attractive option, and it makes perfect sense why so many officers have been throwing in the towel on their once promising careers.


In Portland, 115 officers have either retired or resigned since July 1st.


Exit interview statements are not mandatory for police officers that are leaving the force in Portland, but those that have filled them out have been quite frank about their reasons for leaving…


In 31 exit interview statements, the employees who turned in their badges or retired were brutally frank about their reasons for getting out.


“The community shows zero support. The city council are raging idiots, in addition to being stupid. Additionally, the mayor and council ignore actual facts on crime and policing in favor of radical leftist and anarchists fantasy. What’s worse is ppb command (lt. and above) is arrogantly incompetent and cowardly,” one retiring detective wrote.


I can’t understand why anyone would still want to be a police officer in Portland at this point. There has been endless civil unrest in the city for months on end, and most of the politicians are far left radicals that are clearly on the side of the protesters.


Another officer that left the force stated that he has “never seen morale so low” among officers in Portland…


“What the city council has done to beat down the officers’ willingness to do police work is unfathomable,” he wrote. “I have never seen morale so low. Officers leaving mid-career and sometimes sooner to go to other agencies. Officers retiring when they would have stayed longer if the situation were different.”


He said he knew it was time to go because he stopped looking forward to work that he once loved.


“It is no longer a fun place to work. … There is no end in sight and the negatives far exceed anything positive … hate what Portland has become.’’


He is not alone in hating what Portland has become.

Anonymous ID: e47870 April 9, 2021, 11:34 a.m. No.13392044   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2305

Manhattan DA seizes boxes full of Trump Organization financial records and laptops from CFO Allen Weisselberg's daughter-in-law as part of criminal probe into Donald's business dealings


Prosecutors in Manhattan on Thursday took multiple boxes of information from the home of the former daughter-in-law of top Trump Organization exec Allen Weisselberg – in the latest sign they are focusing the company's chief financial officer.


Jennifer Weisselberg, who used to be married to the executives son Barry, also a Trump Organization employee, delivered the materials outside of her New York apartment.


Jennifer Weisselberg said earlier this month he will 'turn on' Donald Trump and revealed she has already given documents to prosecutors investigating the former president. She has said she has seven boxes of records - although a copy of the subpoena and images obtained by the Washington Post showed she furnished three of them, plus a laptop computer.

Jennifer Weisselberg



Jennifer Weisselberg


She wheeled the materials out of her apartment building to a black Jeep.


She was married to Barry Weisselberg from 2004 to 2018 and the couple went through a divorce, and says she was able to obtain financial information through litigation.


The document handoff is the latest sign that investigators are focusing on Weisselberg, whose tenure at the Trump Organization goes back to his time working for Trump's father, as part of Manhattan D.A. Cy Vance's probe into Trump's finances.


The documents were obtained under a grand jury subpoena that specifically seeks documents related to the Trump-operated Wollman Rink in Central Park, which Barry Weisselberg managed.


Once a talking point for Trump on the campaign trail as a turnaround story, the rink became a flashpoint after the January 6th Capitol riot when Mayor Bill de Blasio announced the city was pulling out of contracts with the Trump Organization. The rink was operated on a cash-only basis.


Manhattan prosecutors hve issued a subpoena for bank records for longtime Trump organization CFO Allen Weisselberg

Anonymous ID: e47870 April 9, 2021, 11:36 a.m. No.13392059   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2141 >>2305

Anything for a buck, eh? Pantene pushes transgender mutilation of children to sell more shampoo


Procter & Gamble (P&G) hair care brand Pantene is going “woke” with a new campaign called “FAMILY IS #BEAUTIFULGBTQ” that celebrates the transgender mutilation of children.


In an attempt to sell more shampoo, Pantene is trying to appeal to one of the fastest growing demographics in America today: “LGBTQ+ couples.”


“For many, hair is heritage,” the company says. “Hair is strength. Hair is self-expression. Hair is Pride.”


As part of an entire video series put out by Pantene to promote this new campaign, one video advertisement features a transgender child named “Sawyer” whose adoptive “mothers,” two apparent “women,” egged on the biological boy to become a “girl.”


The reason we say apparent is because one of the “mothers” also looks like a biological man pretending to be a “woman.” Perhaps this is why Sawyer wants to grow up to be just like “her.”


Anyway, Sawyer is seen throughout the roughly two-minute clip brushing “her” hair and dancing around like a little “girl.” To Sawyer’s “mothers,” this is the way that Sawyer expresses “herself” as a “female.”


“Sawyer is an old soul,” one of the “mothers” is heard saying during the montage. “She is our spunky and creative kiddo. Sawyer also happens to be a transgender girl.”


The “mother” then recalls the first time she saw Sawyer out in public dressed as a girl, which she says is the first time she “saw” Sawyer for who “she” truly is as a little “girl.”


“She has always been super gender creative, and hair has been a big part of her transition” this “mother” is then seen saying with a smile.

Anonymous ID: e47870 April 9, 2021, 11:38 a.m. No.13392076   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2080 >>2152 >>2305 >>2440 >>2451

Catholic charity accuses Alex Jones of staging confrontation over reported child migrants


A Catholic charity says that Infowars' Alex Jones staged a viral confrontation over child migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border.


What are the details?


According to a Friday report from Newsweek, the Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley in McAllen, Texas, have hit back at Jones over what they said was a staged confrontation.


The charity is at the center of a controversial video filmed by Jones' team, who accused the Catholic organization of illegally "smuggling children" into the United States.


According to Newsweek:


The Infowars host uploaded a video in which he confronts a driver outside Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley in the city of McAllen, Texas, while repeatedly accusing him of trafficking the migrant children he is transporting.


At one point, Jones steps in front of the car to stop it from driving away after noticing the children do not have seatbelts in the back of the vehicle.


"You are violating Texas law," Jones yells. "We know you're smuggling these kids. You've got them in the back of [the car] without children's seats."


Jones and the other members of the Infowars team, and conservative commentator Drew Hernandez, continue to accuse the driver of smuggling children without evidence to justify the claims.


The clip ends with a police officer arriving at the scene and the children, accompanied by at least one adult female, exiting the car.


Elsewhere in the video, one of the Infowars' team accuses the Catholic Churches of the Rio Grande Valley of providing migrant families with clothing and debit cards containing $1,200 before releasing them 'into the United States into a destination or city of their choice.'"

Anonymous ID: e47870 April 9, 2021, 11:52 a.m. No.13392161   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2305

Union Leaders Admit Public School Failures on Hidden Camera in West Virginia


West Virginia public schools are failing students. Students are suffering – and union leaders admitted it on hidden camera. An Accuracy in Media investigation.


In this undercover video Accuracy in Media shows what’s really going on and how students are truly suffering in West Virginia schools.


“Meanwhile, I feel like the superintendents are making so much money.”

Anonymous ID: e47870 April 9, 2021, 11:54 a.m. No.13392170   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2254 >>2305

TASS: Chinese Foreign Ministry demands US explain Ukraine biolabs [Video]


This story appears to be suppressed by the American press.


his is a translation of a piece run by the Russian TASS News Agency. It is not likely that the American press is covering it, so we bring it to you. The attached videos are for the benefit of any viewers that speak Russian or Ukrainian fluently, but, curiously, the “AutoTranslate” feature common to YouTube is not available for this video. Interestingly enough, the video coverage is from Ukrainian sources, and considering the bad blood between Russia and Ukraine, it is curious that both countries seem aligned on this issue.


One wonders why.


The following is the TASS piece:


BEIJING, April 8. / TASS /. The US government should provide the international community with comprehensive information about the experiments that they are carrying out in the US military biological laboratories in Ukraine and at Fort Detrick. This was announced on Thursday at a regular briefing by the official representative of the PRC Foreign Ministry Zhao Lijian.


“We hope that the respective countries and the United States will take a responsible and open position, begin cooperation with the World Health Organization and invite its experts to carry out scientific research to find the sources of the coronavirus in the United States, as China did earlier. I noticed that Russia is not so long ago questioned the United States about its military and biological activities in Fort Detrick and in Ukraine. Other countries have also expressed similar concerns, “he said. “Take Ukraine, for example. The US has created 16 biological laboratories in Ukraine alone. Why is the US creating so many laboratories around the world, and what does it do there, including in Fort Detrick,” he asked.


An official representative of the PRC Foreign Ministry stressed that the United States is the only country that still blocks the creation of a verification mechanism under the 1972 Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction. “We again call on the United States to take a responsible position and respond to the concerns of the world community, as well as provide comprehensive explanations of what they are doing in these laboratories, as well as respond to requests to create a verification mechanism for such activities,” he said.


The Walter Reed Army Research Institute is located in Fort Detrick, Maryland. It is run by the Pentagon and conducts biomedical research, including infectious diseases.


About US biolaboratories


In April 2020, a number of Ukrainian TV channels, including “1 + 1” and Newsone, reported that American military biological laboratories were operating in Ukraine, where experiments with pathogens of dangerous infectious diseases were carried out. In the same month, Verkhovna Rada deputies – the head of the political council of the Opposition Platform – For Life (Opposition Platform – For Life) party (Opposition Platform – For Life) Viktor Medvedchuk and Renat Kuzmin – reported that they had sent requests to government bodies demanding a report on the work of 15 American biological laboratories in the country.


They recalled that in August 2005, the Ukrainian Ministry of Health and the US Department of Defense signed an agreement on cooperation in preventing the proliferation of technologies, pathogens and knowledge that can be used to develop biological weapons. The document provides for the collection and storage of all dangerous pathogens on Ukrainian territory in laboratories funded by Washington, and also obliges, at the request of the American side, to transfer copies of dangerous strains to the United States for further research.


Medvedchuk believes that the facilities in Ukraine that are subordinate to the Pentagon and carry out their assigned tasks are de facto US military bases, which is expressly prohibited by article 17 of the Ukrainian constitution. The HLE also expressed suspicions that laboratories could become the source of epidemics in the country, but they were rejected by the American embassy. In addition, the party found that the diplomatic mission was trying to hide information about the work in Ukraine of two centers engaged in the study of pathogens dangerous to humans.

Anonymous ID: e47870 April 9, 2021, 11:58 a.m. No.13392186   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2305

Facebook CEO Calls for Regulations That Would Stifle Competitors


Zuckerberg endorses plans to make platforms liable for misinformation



Facebook is ramping up its calls for government regulation of social media companies, which could give the company a leg up on its competitors.


Testifying at a March 25 House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg signaled his support for a number of legislative changes that would make social networking sites liable for illegal or illicit content published on their platforms. The proposed changes would increase the barrier to entry for new social media companies attempting to compete with Facebook by requiring them to build up units akin to Facebook's Security and Safety teams that police misinformation.


Facebook's push for regulation comes as social media companies face increased pressure from both sides of the aisle. Democrats have attacked Facebook as a monopoly that does not do enough to combat disinformation, while many Republicans feel it already overly censors users.


During the hearing, Zuckerberg endorsed legislation that would define "misinformation" and punish companies that allow ads containing misinformation on their sites. Zuckerberg also signaled his support for creating a federal agency to assess misinformation. Conservatives say current attempts to define and prevent "misinformation" are merely an excuse for companies that want to silence dissenting opinions.


Zuckerberg also called for a major rollback of Section 230 immunity, which protects social media companies from liability for content published by their users. Zuckerberg's proposal would strip companies of Section 230 protections unless they enacted formal policies for the removal of unlawful content.


Facebook already has such a policy and employs thousands of contractors to manually remove illegal or inappropriate content. The company also trumpeted its large Security and Safety teams in a new ad campaign that boasts "Facebook is not waiting for regulation." Smaller social media platforms likely would not have the resources to enact similar policies.


Facebook is the largest social media company in the world and is a major lobbyist on Capitol Hill. According to the Center For Responsive Politics, it spent almost $17 million on lobbying in 2019, making it one of the biggest lobbyists in Washington.


Monika Bickert, Facebook's vice president of content policy, has suggested social media platforms should limit the reach of "harmful" content, rather than ban it completely. Companies including Facebook have been criticized for this "shadowbanning," which is seen by many as another form of censorship.


Despite calling for laws that would require social media companies to explain their content policies to users, Facebook does not notify users when content has been "shadowbanned."


Other tech companies have suggested different approaches to handling misinformation. In the March 25 hearing, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey suggested that social media users, not social media companies or the government should have the power to regulate content.


Reached for comment, a Facebook spokesperson said, "Facebook supports thoughtful reform of Section 230 and stands ready to be a productive partner as Congress considers updating the rules of the internet."

Anonymous ID: e47870 April 9, 2021, noon No.13392192   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2305 >>2375

Inside ISIS: Interrogation trove shows terror group's leader was a snitch


ISIS overall leader al-Mawla "was a songbird of unique talent and ability," wrote West Point professor Daniel Milton in an essay.


A newly released trove of U.S. military interrogation documents depict both betrayal and banality within the upper echelons of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, known as ISIS. The documents are a portion of the 2008 interrogation records for Amir Muhammad Sa'id Abdal-Rahman al-Mawla, who currently leads the jihadist organization.


Although the Department of Defense last fall released a few documents from the interrogations, the newly released 53 reports reveal a deeper view of "prison canary" al-Mawla and of ISIS itself.


Al-Mawla was captured by U.S. forces in January 2008 in Iraq, according to the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point, which on Tuesday released the documents. Although al-Mawla at first denied being involved with ISIS, he quickly revealed detailed information to his interrogators about the extremist group. The trove contains reports on interrogation sessions spanning seven months.


Significant portions of some of the documents remain redacted other than to identify the man who is being interrogated, or to reveal brief observations — but even those say much.


"Detainee seems to be more cooperative with every session," wrote the author of one 2008 report.


Al-Mawla's position and access within ISIS made him valuable in 2008, while he was rising within the organization, one scholar observed.


"Al-Mawla was a songbird of unique talent and ability," wrote West Point professor Daniel Milton in an essay. The interrogation sessions were "chock-full" of minute details about ISIS leaders, he wrote.


Some of the details revealed where ISIS leaders and fighters lived, worked, or ate meals, and what types of cars they drove. Others gave personal characteristics, such as having "chubby cheeks," a "pot belly," or a waddling gait.


The documents also portray ISIS as being beset with bureaucratic duties, including writing letters to families whose members ISIS killed by mistake, and issuing disclaimers blaming others for various attacks.


The view into the civil service element of jihad is important, Milton noted, particularly as a way to counteract romanticized views about the movements overall.


"The members of these organizations are imagined to be committed and passionate, capable and cunning," he wrote. "While this is certainly true in some cases, previous research and reporting has shown that these groups struggle with the banalities of organizational management."


The second round of interrogation documents was released amid recent discussions about the presence of U.S. troops in Iraq, against a backdrop of mixed messages concerning the threat from ISIS.


"We didn't go in there with the idea of being a permanent presence" in Iraq, Defense Department spokesman John Kirby told reporters Wednesday at the Pentagon. "The idea was to defeat ISIS. And that's still the goal."

Anonymous ID: e47870 April 9, 2021, 12:05 p.m. No.13392212   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2305

Death Or Ukraine: US Delegation Came On Donbass Frontlines Under Nazi Flags


The Ukrainian Armed Forces hung up the German War Ensign of the Third Reich. According to the official representative of the People’s Militia of the Republic it was linked with the recent visit of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.


“At all positions visited by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, welcome slogans and flags are hung,” the message says.


The video of DPR National Militia, showing the flag waving over Ukrainian positions in the village of Maryinka that is under the control of the UAF, near the DPR border, was released online. The flag was captured by surveillance cameras on the front line.


Probably, such welcoming flags were appreciated by the head of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs Zbigniew Rau, who came in Kiev on April 8, in an urgent visit. Earlier the same day, five main Kiev’s allies , the United States, Great Britain, Canada, Lithuania and Poland, met to discuss the “growth of Russian military activity” near the Ukrainian borders.


Another foreign delegation came in Easter Ukraine on April 8. Representatives of the Defense Attaché’s office at the US Embassy in Ukraine arrived at the frontlines, where they talked with Ukrainian military personnel. US representatives got acquainted with the situation in the region.


Brittany Stewart, US military attaché in Kiev, led the American delegation in Donbass. According to the claims of Russian war correspondent Semyon Pegov, she had a chevron saying “Ukraine or Death” on her uniform.


US Embassy Attaché Colonel Brittany Stewart laid a wreath on the grave of Right Sector militant Vasily Slipak. He was a world-famous opera singer, who fought in Ukrainian Praviy Sektor (Right Sector). Praviy Sektor was initially an informal association of a number of Ukrainian nationalist right-wing radical organizations, formed in 2014 in Kiev. It was later transformed into political party.

Anonymous ID: e47870 April 9, 2021, 12:07 p.m. No.13392224   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2305

U.S. Space Force Announces Formation Of Space Systems Command


The United States Space Force will reform its acquisition organization under the new “Space Systems Command”, in the summer of 2021, Chief of Space Operations Gen. Jay Raymond said.


Under the restructuring to speed up new technology delivery, Space Systems Command (SSC) will replace the Space and Missile Systems Center (SMC), elevating its responsibilities to a Space Force Field Command.


The new organization, headquartered at Los Angeles Air Force Base, will be charged with developing, acquiring, fielding and sustaining space capabilities.


The SSC will launch the Space Force’s new satellites, test them on orbit and sustain the constellations. Some additional Air Force units will transfer into the Space Force, but the reorganization does not include transfers from the other services, as had been suggested earlier.


“Space Systems Command’s organizational structure was purpose-built to anticipate and be responsive to the challenges presented by a contested space domain,” said Chief of Space Operations Gen. Jay Raymond in a statement. “We took the SMC 2.0 transformation of 2019 to the next level, aligning missions and organizations, and pushing authorities down from the three-star level to lower echelons in order to reduce cost and go fast. This will allow us to move at speed in delivering the resilient space capabilities necessary to stay ahead of a growing threat.”


“With the re-designation of SMC as SSC, we will further build upon the success seen with SMC 2.0, while synchronizing the science and technology research, capability development, system production, launch operations, and system sustainment efforts to more effectively deliver cutting-edge space systems needed to ensure the future of our national security and prosperity,” added SMC Commander Lt. Gen. John Thompson.


SSC is the second of three new field commands to be established under the Space Force.


The first — Space Operations Command (SpOC) was created in October 2020 and is responsible for operating the nation’s military satellites.

The second is the SSC.

And third, the US Space Force plans to establish the Space Training and Readiness Command (STARCOM) later in 2021. STARCOM will be in charge of educating and training Space Force guardians.


The SSC is different from earlier plans, since it will not include the Space Rapid Capabilities Office and the Space Development Agency.


SSC also includes a significant shakeup of the service’s launch enterprise. The SSC deputy commander will be the Assured Access to Space leader with oversight of the entire launch enterprise.


That enterprise will be its own office under SSC.


Finally, the 30th Space Wing at Vandenberg AFB, California, and the 45th Space Wing at Patrick Space Force Base, Florida, will be redesignated as Space Launch Delta 30 and Space Launch Delta 45, respectively.


The Space Force presumably will also assume the SMC’s budget of about $9 billion annually and a workforce of about 6,300 military, civilian personnel and contractors.


About 4,000 people who work for the space launch units at Patrick Space Force Base, Florida; and Vandenberg Air Force Base, California will be reassigned to SSC. Both space launch wings currently report to the Space Force’s Space Operations Command.


Hopefully, the Space Force might actually end up in space at some point or another and not just in Qatar or elsewhere on planet Earth.

Anonymous ID: e47870 April 9, 2021, 12:11 p.m. No.13392241   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2249 >>2305 >>2311

Fully Vaccinated Flights Could Become A Reality As First Completely Inoculated Flight Takes Off


As more people get vaccinated for COVID-19 across the globe, questions continue to swirl over the need for vaccinations when traveling.


Already, much of the cruise industry is requiring passengers to be fully vaccinated to board its ships, and now an airline has just operated its first fully vaccinated flight.


A look back on #QR6421 – 6 April 2021 – A historic day in Aviation with the World’s First Fully Vaccinated Flight. #QatarAirways

— Qatar Airways (@qatarairways) April 9, 2021


Qatar Airways took off on Tuesday with a plane full of passengers and crew members that were fully vaccinated with the COVID vaccine.


The flight traveled out of Hamad International Airport in Doha, Qatar. The Airbus A350-1000 aircraft went on a 3.5-hour round trip flight passing over the Persian Gulf and Oman, the New York Post reports.


I was onboard @qatarairways special flight QR6421 today. It was World’s first fully vaccinated flight. 3.5 hours around the Gulf and Oman. The flight brings some hope of normality will return soon in travel.

— Sam Chui (@SamChuiPhotos) April 6, 2021


“Today’s special flight demonstrates the next stage in the recovery of international travel is not far away,” Qatar Airways Group CEO Akbar Al Baker said in a statement.


“We are proud to continue leading the industry by operating the first flight with a fully vaccinated crew and passengers and providing a beacon of hope for the future of international aviation. With aviation being a critical economic driver both globally and here in the State of Qatar, we are thankful for the support we have received from our government and local health authorities to vaccinate our staff, with over 1,000 vaccinations being administered per day," he added.


Additional safety measures were also taken by the airline, including requiring face masks, social distanced seating, and enhanced sanitation measures. Passengers were also able to utilize a touchless entertainment system that connected their in-seat TVs to their phones.


Passengers were honored with a commemorative certificate for taking part in the flight.

Anonymous ID: e47870 April 9, 2021, 12:25 p.m. No.13392335   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Each country is doing its part for the NWO


India Piloting Facial Recognition For COVID-19 Vaccinations


The Indian government is piloting a Aadhaar-based facial recognition system for COVID-19 vaccinations, RS Sharma, chief executive officer of the National Health Authority told The Print. The pilot is being carried out in Jharkhand, which is reporting over 1,000 successful authentications via facial recognition on a daily basis at the vaccination sites, he said.


Sharma said that Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has deployed “the best facial recognition algorithms which we will be utilising now”.. The move will make the vaccination process “touchless”, he said. Individuals are currently authenticating their biometrics, either using their fingers or iris. Separately, Sharma said that Co-WIN can handle millions of registrations, and can bear loads of 10,000 users per second. It has already generated 3 million digital certificates for COVID-19 immunisation.


It’s worth noting that Sharma is the chairperson of the empowered committee for administration of the COVID-19 vaccine; he has also served as UIDAI chief, apart from heading the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India for two consecutive terms.

Anonymous ID: e47870 April 9, 2021, 12:30 p.m. No.13392364   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Pres. Biden signs an executive order creating a commission to study expanding the Supreme Court

Anonymous ID: e47870 April 9, 2021, 12:41 p.m. No.13392425   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Russia Calls Out Biden Hypocrisy Of Criticizing Navalny Treatment While He Targets Trump Supporters


Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Maria Zakharova today called out the Biden administration’s hypocrisy of criticizing the treatment of jailed Kremlin opposition figure Alexei Navalny, while at the same time targeting Trump supporters and ignoring treatment of political prisoners in U.S. jails.


“Washington, who always worries about the human rights situation in the world, but not at home, continues to ignore our arguments. Instead, it dreams up fairy tales and nonsense about the incarceration conditions of inmates in Russia, including Navalny,” she pointed out.


“We call on the authorities in the United States to investigate all cases of violations of the rights of prisoners as soon as possible and in the most transparent manner. What is happening now runs counter not only to the American Constitution and criminal law but also to fundamental international and humanitarian guidelines,” Zakharova maintained.


Zakharova noted earlier that Russian nationals imprisoned in the US did indeed need help, but were only able to get it following requests from Russian embassies and consular offices, wrote Russian state news agency TASS.