Political Earthquake in Lisbon: after all, what is the famous hacker’s Rui Pinto disk n.º 8?
A scandal has been making its course amongst portuguese politicians – letting the political elite in Portugal crazily anxious. The story is simple to tell: Rui Pinto¹, a young portuguese hacker, from ~~Oporto~~ *Porto, graduated in history and detained in Hungary in 2018, disclosed intimate criminal secrets kept by portuguese politicians. These secrets are contained in a laptop’s disk, which has been identified as “disk n.o 8”. The portuguese authorities have been denying the existence of this disk n.o 8, stating (unoficially) that Rui Pinto had collected a lot of information, the disks apprehended contains various information about many people – the existence of criminal sexual content involving portuguese ruling class is false though.
This reaction from portuguese authorities was published originally in a portuguese magazine “SABADO”, owned by media group COFINA, who lost the bid for a portuguese top-rated tv channel, TVI, last year. This magazine is part of the network of media collaborators of portuguese domestic intelligence services, SIS, especially regarding jihadism in Portugal. The piece signed by journalist Tiago Pintas was an initiative of the director of portuguese forensic police, PJ , at the (self-proclaimed) catholic president, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa and Prime- Minister, Antonio Costa’s request.
According to our partners, former SIS Intell Officers, the portuguese politician Paulo Portas² has an incredible influence in portuguese forensic police’s operations at the present. The truth is quite different from the version told to magazine SABADO by the portuguese authorities: I’ve seen the disk n.o 8 by myself.
I can assure you it’s both repulsive, dramatic and may bring an unprecedented crisis to Portugal, both political and spiritual. There’s nothing more serious than a total distrust in the ruling class, not because they’re incompetents, but because there are disgusting sexual predators.
We’re talking about famous portuguese politicians having sexual intercourse with minors, asking to be sodomized by others, laughing out loud as defenceless children and young people are crying and asking for help. Politicians to whom the portuguese people had trusted their future, denying the very humanity of those poor young people.
To be fair, disk n.o 8, for what I’ve seen, is not just about pedophilia, it’s more like a freaking show of moral depravation. A horror show of disgusting criminal pleasure played by people who think they’d never be caught. It’s even more shocking considering some of these portuguese politicians are devoted to our Holy Church.