Anonymous ID: 4b4400 April 10, 2021, 12:12 a.m. No.13396066   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6082 >>6083 >>6093 >>6120 >>6127 >>6232 >>6295 >>6354 >>6376 >>6399 >>6402

It’s all dead to me. Celebrities. Sports. Concerts. Bars. Travel. None of it matters anymore. During 14 days to stop the spread, which turned into 7 weeks of lockdown, I would have done ANYTHING to go to a concert.


The celebrities I once looked up to I know can’t look at. It’s all gone. 2020 changed me. And I don’t miss any of it. I only wish I had ditched all of these false idols sooner.


But now? I count it as loss. It means nothing to me anymore. The people I once idolized are puppets. The politicians I once applauded are imbedded in their own interests and have sold us out. The companies I once shopped with are colluding against us.


The truth is is that I’d give up any of these things sooner if I had truly understood. But now I do. And it set me free. I’ll walk the narrow road with my eyes fixed on the finish line. None of what is here matters. The earth and everything here is temporary.


There is life after death. So I count this all as loss. 2020 was the year that separated the wheat from the chaff. There are still people straddling the line, soon they will have to choose where they stand too.


“Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it.”

1 Corinthians 9:24


If disagreeing with what is happening causes me to lose my seat at the table and to lose my status in society, I’m willing to sit alone.


Everything here is passing away. There is no going back to normal. This is a hard to swallow pill. The new normal is here. The New World Order is here. But I have hope. My hope isn’t in The United States of America or any president. It’s in God alone.


I see many people worried about what freedoms they’ll lose by not taking the experimental vaccines - they think that this vaccines means things will go back to normal.


Things are never going back to normal.

Anonymous ID: 4b4400 April 10, 2021, 12:19 a.m. No.13396085   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6091 >>6110

You are watching a movie.

A lot of what you are seeing is completely bullshit and fake.

It's so outrageous on purpose to get your attention at those point.

It will continue until it has accomplished that goal fully.

There is no Biden presidency.

You are seeing actors some have masks.

That's why Bidan keeps referring to himself as the mask president.

This means they are the good guys in this movie on the team of freedom.

This whole election was fake along with a fake inauguration.

Fake executive orders.

Fake oval office.

It's all bullshit.

Wake up.

The military is right now controlling our country until the new elections in a couple of months.

Insurrection Act has been signed.

EO from 2018 is in full effect.

Things will soon be revealed publicly.

Hopefully you can wake up before then so you don't have a heart attack in the process.

They really tried stealing our election that part is real.

Trump knew this and allowed it to expose them and arrest those involved and will be implementing a blockchain fraud proof election system which was already patented back in August 2020.

He skipped the 9th circuit corrupt courts because they too were compromised and went 100% FISA.

This is a total military operation.

The goal was to arrest and remove these crooks first before ever winning an election.

Furthermore, the Vatican owned the corrupt DC corporation and that is no longer.

It will soon be a republic for which it stands under the constitution as originally intended.

You will get a history lesson in the process along with a solid grasp of the constitution.

Many corrupt DC rats and Hollywood pedophiles have gone to jail for crimes of high treason, conspiracy.

Many more are in the process of meeting justice via military tribunals.

Things will be made public in time very soon, no more secrets no more games.

There are many actors in the movie, not just Bidan double comedian guy.

Who's who at this point is somewhat of a mystery on purpose.

Some are playing a part from the very beginning.

Others flipped for a deal and are now playing a part in this movie.

The best thing you can do right now is just wake up to the truth that being shown to you, take heart that communists have no real power over our country and look forward to the things Trump has already pre-planned long ago for you.

I'll warn you now, things will get stranger from here.

If you pay attention and listen to what I've told you here you'll laugh.

If you are watching the mockingbird media CNN or FAUX NEWS you'll cry.

What ever you do, please don't call Joe Biden president.

He's really long gone and his double has no power.

Anonymous ID: 4b4400 April 10, 2021, 12:23 a.m. No.13396094   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6254 >>6295 >>6354 >>6376 >>6399 >>6402

We're being poisoned in so many different ways..


Right now our (well, those who believe in the virus and live in fear of it) are being psychologically poisoned through fear which in itself cam create further problems.


Then there's the metaphysical side of this.. Manifestation. One thinks therefore one creates.. The constant barrage of media coverage about covid keeps this in peoples minds so it continues to manifest.


We will keep their lifespan short and their minds weak while pretending to do the opposite.


We will use our knowledge of science and technology in subtle ways so that they will never see what is happening.


We will use soft metals, aging accelerators and sedatives in food and water, also in the air.


They will be blanketed in poison everywhere they turn.


The soft metals will cause them to lose their minds. We will promise to find a cure from our many fronts, yet we will feed them more poison.


The poisons will be absorbed through their skin and mouths. They will destroy their minds and reproductive systems.


From all this, their children will be born dead, and we will conceal this information.


The poisons will be hidden in everything that surrounds them; in what they drink, eat, breathe, and wear.


We must be ingenious in dispensing the poisons for they can see far.


We will teach them that the poisons are good with fun images and musical tones.


Those they look up to will help. We will enlist them to push our poisons.


They will see our products being used in film and will grow accustomed to them and will never know their true effect.


When they give birth we will inject poisons into the blood of their children and convince them it is for their help.

Anonymous ID: 4b4400 April 10, 2021, 12:29 a.m. No.13396116   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6254 >>6295 >>6354 >>6376 >>6399 >>6402

The Irony after 4 years of calling Trump a Dictator. We actually get a Dictator.


Today Biden signed a EO on Supreme Court “reform”. Aka SC packing because they lost 2016 Election. FDR the most powerful President in American History who was also a Democrat tried to pack the SC and Democrats back then said Fuck No. How is Dementia man more powerful than 4 term FDR? Anyone paying attention already knows the “Commission” answer to the demand.


Biden stops protecting our Southern border. He ended Trumps Wall, placed a gag order on Border Patrol Agents from speaking out. Stopped Senators and Congress people from filming the children in cages. Then demanded them to delete the footage. In his 1st day in office Biden signed a EO demanding ICE not DEPORT ANYONE. Even violent Felons. Thankfully Texas won against that in Court.


Yesterday he declared that No Amendment to the Constitution is “Permanent”. Directly talking about the 2nd Amendment. If no Amendment is permanent then they are just empty promises. And it’s interesting that he specifically mentioned that one because the 2nd is the only thing keeping the Government from going FULL HITLER. Removing the 2nd Amendment means the government can walk into your home unannounced at any time and seize you or your property without a fight. And again Biden’s Regime is fighting in Court to enter your home without A WARRANT.


He’s signed at least 40 EO. Most of them removing what Trump did just because there salty losers. Even if it was good like lower insulin cost it’s bad because Trump signed it.


His “inauguration” had 26,000 National Guard Troops. More troops then we currently have in Iraq and Afghanistan. That’s peak paranoia. And placed Washington DC on full lockdown. Erecting Walls all over the Capitol after declaring Walls are ineffective. They keep on moving the goal post to justify having Washington DC occupied.


After using the Filibuster to its fullest extent during 4 years of a Trump Presidency, Democrats are demanding to end the Filibuster. Citing “abuse” after abusing it themselves.


Biden falls up the stairs multiple times. No cries for Impeachment due to him being physically unfit for the job.


Hunter Biden is literally a National Security threat. Fox News showed the World his nudes. And if Fox News has dirt on Hunter Biden what do Foreign Intelligence Agencies have on that guy? Not only that but Hunter lied on a Federal Gun Form and then threw that gun away by a School and is a known Drug Addict. Joe Biden who placed many people in for prison for Drug Addiction has never placed his son in jail. Rules for me but not for thee. Democrats spent years going after the Trumps business and personal lives in a effort to throw them in Jail. They weaponized the Intelligence Agencies against the Commander and Chief.


Big Tech banned the New York Post from Social Media. They censored people from sharing that story. Big Tech sucked and fucked the Biden’s in the same way those Prostitutes were sucking and fucking Hunter.


Big Tech banned President Trump while he was still President. Big Tech also has been targeting Republican Senators and Congressman and women when ever Democrats demand them to.


Bombing Syria after crying you can’t use the military without congressional approval. Pelosi and other top Democrats demanding to take away the Nuclear Codes from Biden. If Biden truly is unfit for the job 25th him already. We don’t have multiple Commander and Chiefs. We only have one Commander and Chiefs.


Hand picked media outlets to ask questions. He literally had a Open Nootbook quiz in front of the whole nation. After 4 years of the media asking “tough questions” the media magically goes silent and doesn’t interrupt him at all. Doesn’t call bull shit when he lies and doesn’t correct him when he trails off.


O and we are currently living through Operation Dark Winter. He’s mentioned Dark Winter enough times that it’s no longer just a theory.




Gas shooting through the roof. By ending the Pipe Line.


Banning Fracking. After saying he wouldn’t.

Anonymous ID: 4b4400 April 10, 2021, 12:40 a.m. No.13396159   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6288

I'm starting to suspect that the real "Silent Majority" is a collection of people left right & center, who are rejecting the corporate media narrative, and have lost respect for mostly all politicians.


I am also starting to suspect that this "Silent Majority" is way larger than we're lead to believe


How many people do you know personally that have lost faith in, or at the very least are now questioning the corporate media? How many of them surprised you, since you previously viewed them as the NPC-Type?


How many people do you see liking and sharing memes and posts that go against the norm?


Did you notice how much support the "Gamestonk Rebellion" got from all sides?


Do you find that the number of people who actually care about impeachment trial was very low? How many of your friends and family see it as political theater wasting time that could be better spent on relief?


Have you noticed a lot more people turning to different forms of media?


Because of this pandemic we are basically being forced to only communicate through social media and apps. It's no secret that they can see pretty much everything we say and see, and what we are seeing is them turning up the propaganda to 100. We are seeing them go all in with divisive distractions, while artificial trends are bullied in to formation. We watch over the top hashtags get astroturfed to the top of platforms. We are seeing corporate media pushing for expanded government surveillance powers, while simultaneously trying to destroy independent media. While this is happening our president has spent his first 21 days signing an unprecedented amount of unpopular executive orders bypassing working with congress altogether. He's doing this surrounded by thousands of armed troops patrolling DC.


This doesn't sound like a government that is confident in it's ability to rule, this seems like the actions of people who are scared. What data are they seeing when they monitor us that's causing them to act this way? Why does it seem like we are witnessing the elites in panic mode, flexing their muscles in fear, hoping we don't call their bluff? As we sit quietly behind our mandated masks, it seems like theirs is slipping.