The petroyuan is gold backed, thusly price of oil will be relatively stable, like it was before the petrodollar
The losers, like the Saudis and the Bush fam are mad their decadent lifestyle is about to end
The petroyuan is gold backed, thusly price of oil will be relatively stable, like it was before the petrodollar
The losers, like the Saudis and the Bush fam are mad their decadent lifestyle is about to end
Avg American is addicted to credit….up to their eyeballs in it
Most of the big new pickups you see are bought with loans that never catch up with depreciation…car sales friend of mine shakes his head at the loans people take just to have that big truck
Many countries bought US treasuries with recycled petrodollars, that will end very soon, and our markets will tank big time, if public finds out what’s really going on, instead of muh vaccine BS, they would be shitting bricks
China is biggest producer and buyer of gold….US reserves are fake
Lock in stonk market gains…..Dow 8000 will be great reset