Anonymous ID: 82faff May 8, 2018, 1:22 p.m. No.1340148   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Not interested in PROJECT FIRESIGN or PROJECT SANGUINE. Thou, I do think I saw FIRESIGN tested over NLV/Nellis on 10/22/98 ~1830


What's more important is what was attempted under "Non-Recommended Salvage Options."


Zikpocalypse - "…strains of ZIKV have been delivered and we have

disseminated them to operatives…." As small as it was, it happened, and it scared Florida.


BLRiot - "… staged civil unrest…" Was pushed heavily and early on. Don't see much now, except for Sacramento.


Sharia Escalation - some of this was pushed for a time.


Red Dawn - after election there was talk of UN troops in Chicago


Cobalt Rain - never heard much, except for TV shows trying to scare people.


Unnatural Disaster - some regional.


Was HRC/Clowns that desperate that they actually tried Zikpocalypse, BLRiot, and Sharia Escalation?


Benenson Strategy Group Clinton Fund Salvage Program: