About the planetary alignment: it's when Saturn and Jupiter meet and stay for a while in Aquarius, and it also aligns with other planets in other signs of the zodiac. It's also aligns with the Sun. I don't remember the number but this specific type of alignment happens each every x thousands of years apparently. So for it to happen twice in such a short time apart is something remarkable. Just a few decades apart. It's also somehow linked to ancient Greek mythology that has to do with the war between the titans and the gods and how Kronos aka Saturn was defeated.
In this interview with SGT report, Juan O Savin mentions it, but from the way he talks about it, it's clear he doesn't believe about it.
What Juan O Savin doesn't know that this is very real, it's true. And it's not just prince William but also Chelsea Clinton. Another thing is that the birth of this child is expected by both the Light and the Darkness; as in the Angels and the Demons.