Anonymous ID: 51e7e1 June 6, 2018, 7:33 a.m. No.1649688   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>1643828 YES.

We can either waste our time looking to discredit people or we can look at spreading the message. I don't know who Alex Jones works for and I don't really care about him. It's about who he works for, who the mainstream media works for who we all work for. Our job is to get the message out. To change the narrative through whatever means is available to us. Whether it is you tube, or 8 chan or songs, jokes, stories.


The idea of discrediting is just misdirection - it takes us away from what we really need to focus on. How do we change the system or as President Trump put it "Drain the Swamp". There is nothing more important than that. Right now Tucson, Arizona has become a focal point. How do the kids get there? Where do they go from there? Is California a part of this trail. Who are the traffickers? And who are the primaries? The primaries have to be discovered and removed. Hopefully legally. THis has to be done in the light of day. Who is the mayor of Tucson. Who own's the land that these cells were discovered on? What is the connection of this company with the Clinton Foundation?


Let's not waste our energy on misdirection. We need to uncover the source..


These seditious fools. EVIL.