Anonymous ID: 9efbd7 May 8, 2018, 11:05 p.m. No.1346144   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6421




Not only are we not taking it up the ass anymore, but Trump drew the line for the whole world. He called out the WW black op leaders and said the world wasn't taking it up the ass anymore for their shit. That means no more billions of US $ for EU. They are all the evil rolled up. The wheel of fortune. The hub, their life breath. Their crooked deals and running the world is crumbling and they all know it.


Korea peace. Free. China and Japan helped it happen. All Free. Done deal. Iran just got freed, no longer hostage.


Here's the edge of the knife, our big hitters enemy list: Renegade and any willing to stick with him, assholes to the end, the EU (Evil Union) Soros, Merkel aka Hitler spawn, & Macron. The message for them is mess with the best and die like the rest, and yeah, spend your own money to run your shit (you no longer have ours) and very you're getting voted out by your own people. Arrests, Suicides and exposure for all the world to see. Coming soon. Seth in June, remember… Parade in November… Put it on your calendar.


UK is in Brexit. EUs first shocker. UK and USA were their main budge! Our dirty Obama loop capital docked in the EU distribution center. [That is not from good trade]


The question is who's now neutralized or neutered and who's getting arrested for attempting to kill us all, and our President? In oh so many many ways.


Brexit will bring the Fall of the EU, Merkel, Macron. Iran was next, middle East freed today! No where for CIA to call home. [Kill box will follow them wherever they go] No more $. And didn't someone say Soros was going to have a special end? Financial downfalls for the rest.


Fuckem all. We are in Justice phase.

Don't forget that.

Praise God

Thank you thank you thank you

Q President Trump, Generals, Sessions PATRIOTS and everyone else on the side of good. No Fear, ya hear!

Anonymous ID: 9efbd7 May 8, 2018, 11:19 p.m. No.1346261   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6405 >>5836


Since the coalition strikes - US UK & France- just wiped out Iran & Syria's main military capabilities and ammunition, and Israel hit Iran's assets in Syria today, what do they have left except fear of dying? Israel is in a strategically superior position. The first time in decades. No more paychecks for Hamas Hezbollah or terrorist rebel ops. CIA, or nuclear workshops, not so much anymore. And No Such Agency knows everything.

Anonymous ID: 9efbd7 May 8, 2018, 11:54 p.m. No.1346493   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6498


Why don't you move there and get us an up close live on the ground report then, since you are soooooo all knowing of the situation with all your fancy labels and judgments. Geeez you must have brain cells seeping out of your ears you're so gosh darn smart.

Anonymous ID: 9efbd7 May 9, 2018, 12:12 a.m. No.1346563   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6730


Actually it has always been the deep state fucks collective fucks that are responsible for the world's misery. And now, the time has come for all of those evil fucks wherever they may be (including Israel)(all nations implicated/none innocent) to Stop with the evil game plan shit plays. It's not how you say. Old school ignorance and overused rhetoric that doesn't apply.

It's more like come out come out from wherever you are…


And don't confuse the synagogue of Satan with God's people and use the word "Jew" to judge huge populations of people. They are not of the same father. There's a difference.

Whose your daddy applies.

That's why it's good v evil.

Discernment needed.

Do you have discernment?